Lootverse: Immerse yourself

in #crypto3 years ago


Just like Earth, Lootizens create their own reality in their parallel world. From minting and using a currency, to land ownership rights, as well as commercialization, they’ve got it all. Citizens of their world partake in real-life economic activity to better their lives and create meaningful lifestyles.

Like Earth, land in Lootverse is not only limited but extremely precious and in high demand. Landowners in Lootverse can generate revenue on their land along with many other rights. Landowners can manage their land at the prestigious fund, where access is solely limited to them. Why be a homeowner on Earth when land in Lootverse offers so much more?

The difference between us and Earth is that the ability to govern Lootverse is decentralised among the Lootizens themselves through their very own parliament. Each citizen of their fantasy world has a real voice to effect change in their community, given that their fellow lootizens vote in favour of their notion.

Lootizens in their world will enjoy shopping at their commercial center, opening soon. They will also be able to visit one another and interact just as Earthlings do.

The one thing that Lootizens have in common is their interest in one thing. Once a week, hundreds of Lootizens line up at the gates of The Great Empire. Once the gates swing open, they make their way to the gruesome battle pit to begin their weekly battle for NFTs which are transported from Earth.

NFTs are a common interest at Lootverse…They power Lootverse. Not only do Lootizens visit The Great empire to battle for these gems, but through the battle, Lootizens can mine their native currency to use around the world.
Financial activity in Lootverse is powered by the LNFTxHABN blockchain, which is located on an isolated island as its advanced block quarry requires large-scale security measures.

They will soon introduce their world’s staple diet, attire, and even issue out passports to all Lootizens. Your alter ego in their world is depicted on your unique Lootversian passport. Visit their parallel world and immerse yourself.

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