How Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Tech is Changing Our World

in #crypto3 years ago

It’s time for grandpa to open a Coinbase account.

Happy Tuesday, friends.

We hope you had a relaxing and restful labor day weekend.

We know we did.


How Bitcoin helped me, a Venezuelan (19y) at getting ahead in a failing country

But I live in Caracas, Venezuela, and I’m planning on escaping this country and thanks to bitcoin I was able to pay for my mom’s passport and I got to fix my car which hopefully will sell well enough to make me able to buy them plane tickets
I can’t HODL yet, but bitcoin all the way

It’s changing lives.


I’m gonna say it. El Salvador is the next Elon Musk. They will cause the next bear circle.

I held BTC and ETH, I love the bull run , BUT
Let’s be god damn real, a country using bitcoin as tether?, a currency which halved their value in THIS May and then almost doubled in less than 2 months go? Think about it, it is doom to fail.
Despite the name ‘currency’. Bitcoin can only be used as store of value, an investment. Hate me but deep down you guys know I am right.
All I can see here, is a poor country government found a way to hide their corruption through cryptocurrencies and increase their leader popularity to young people.

We actually tend to agree with this.

Namely, because it’ll be annoying having to use tiny fractions of bitcoin in transactions, rather than a cryptocurrency that has a larger circulating supply.

We think it is that simple.

However, this doesn’t mean BTC and its value will be going anywhere.

In other words, we think it’ll really come down to convenience with regards to what coin ends up as the ‘go-to currency,’ and having a large circulating supply will be a primary component.

What’re your thoughts on this?


Sotheby’s Bored Ape NFT Collections Surpass Estimated $19M Value

Sotheby’s Bored Ape non-fungible tokens (NFTs) exceeded its auction price expectations, as bids currently top $19 million. Based in New York, Sotheby’s is a leading global broker in fine and decorative art, jewelry, and collectibles. The company recently floated a set of 101 Bored Ape Kennel Club (BAKC) and 107 Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) NFTs. The BAKC collection features expressionless ape faces clad in various dazzling accessories. Both NFT collections are developed by Yuga Labs.

NFT Marketplace OpenSea Sees $3.4B Transaction Volume in August

The nonfungible token marketplace OpenSea recorded a $3.4 billion transaction volume on Ethereum last month, a tenfold increase from July.
That’s according to MarketWatch, which reported Monday (Sept. 6) that the data shows “unprecedented interest” in nonfungible tokens (NFT).

And to think of what we posted yesterday, lol.

Soon we’ll find out it was actually five billion in revenue.

Web 3.0 & The Metaverse

How Important Will Crypto Be For Web 3.0?

When it was first conceptualised, web 3.0 was defined by the ‘semantic web’. It was thought that web 3.0 would lead the way for computers and machines to be able to analyse all of the data on the web. However, as things have evolved, web 3.0 is now most known for its association with decentralisation. Because of this, crypto will play a prominent role.
*According to a spokesperson for the DFINITY Foundation, *“Crypto and blockchain are a necessity for Web 3.0; they enable the three key characteristics of Web3 — decentralization, permisonlessness and trustlessnes.”

Web 3.0 Is Coming, and Crypto Will Be Essential to It

*Likewise, Frank Mong, Chief Operating Officer of **Helium *(HNT), the developer of decentralized wireless infrastructure, doesn’t necessarily agree that crypto will be indispensable to Web 3.0, but he does suggest that blockchain and cryptocurrencies would add a unique incentive for people to behave differently from how they do using the Internet as it is now.

Web 3.0 Requires New Regulatory Thinking

Unfortunately, the SEC is hardly an outlier. Other agencies have also moved to limit Web 3.0’s potential. Commodity Futures Trading Commission member Dan M. Berkovitz criticized decentralized finance as “Hobbesian” and questioned its legality. The Treasury Department has urged crippling crypto wallet regulations. Their allies in Congress have urged them forward.

Of course, big daddy government moves in to make things difficult.

Why the ‘metaverse’ will prove to be more than a buzzword

*Big corporations and tech companies are beginning to bet on this future. Sony invested $200 million in Epic Games, the developer of Fortnite, in the company’s recent $1 billion funding round. Decentralized crypto platform Boson Protocol paid $700,000 for a plot of virtual real estate in *Decentraland to build a shopping mall. Facebook is pouring its piggybank into a new workplace VR tool and proto-metaverse, Horizon.

All of these articles and their excerpts tell us several things thing:

  • Invest in relevant cryptocurrencies (hint: some are mentioned in the second article).

  • Invest in relevant companies producing the hardware and other related physical/digital products.

  • Get yourself ready for an entirely new era of commerce and trade.

Pour Conclure

We hope you’re rested and ready to tackle this four-day week.

Likewise, we hope you’re able to take the information presented to you here today and use it as a guide towards your financial future.

Your Pal,

The Gopher


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Disclaimer: None of this is to be deemed legal or financial advice in any way, shape, or form. You are reading opinions from an anonymous news publisher in Cartoon Gopher Format.

Questions & Comments: Please feel free to ask questions and leave comments as it relates to Crypto, Blockchain-Tech, NFTs, & Web 3.0 — or if you’d just like to say hello — I want to hear from you!

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