Aftermath of Bitconnect 骗局后的废墟

in #crypto7 years ago

I believe most of us already aware of the collapse of the biggest ponzi Bitconnect. Knowing they might have a very active community on Reddit, immediately I went into the subreddit of Bitconnect the day after BCC went down from $400 to $20 in a night. Felt like I was in a virtual doomsday scanning through those threads by the victims.

Let's have a quick view of the aftermath in the subreddit which consists of 5k members:

  • Guy got so distressed looking the crashing price on his monitor, his mother entered the room to serve some chicken nuggets, only to get a hysterical scream in the face and plate got hit out of her hand.

  • Unemployed husband bet all his family saving on Bitconnect and lost all the $80k. Have no idea how to face his wife when she's backed to home. Totally no idea how he should proceed to take care of his family with two sons.

  • Man invested $500k in the scammy game with the help of a business loan, which he planned to withdraw in a month or two, but turned out to be a completely failed speculation.

  • A bloody Suicide Hotline thread was the top pinned post of the day. Guess the operators at the other end will have to deal with the flooding incoming calls. Shit is serious when you see things like this actually happens in an 'investment' subreddit.

The community got so hyped at a moment that the moderators have to set it to private. Bet the main reason is to filter out the unnecessary audience with a popcorn in their hands, like me.

Now they have made the subreddit public again.

Unbelievable and eye-opening experience for me today. How absent-minded one has to be to bet all he had in a single investment, let alone the super volatile cryptocurrency, let alone the f*cking obvious scam like Bitconnect.

Somebody just has to learn their lessons the hard way.

想必大家都知道币圈第一大庞氏骗局 Bitconnect 倒台的消息了,一夜之间 400 掉到 20。当下听到的时候,心想这终于来临了。所有币种在 Reddit 都各自自己的圈子,不少还活跃的很,马上就去拜访了 r/Bitconnect,果然哀鸿遍野,整个圈子一片刚刚战败被屠城的样子:

  • 有人盯着电脑屏幕上的价格懵了,他妈妈进房拿鸡块给他吃,却被他歇斯底里吼一脸,手上的碟子还被打翻了。结果底下有个很搞笑的留言,叫他最好把鸡块捡起来了,毕竟鸡块们都比他手上的 BCC 值钱。

  • 无业的丈夫把八万美金的家庭基金全押在这骗局上了,现在不知如何向快回家的妻子交代。下面还有嗷嗷待脯的两个儿子要养。

  • 还有一位勇者把商业贷款借来的五十万刀一把 show hand,结果真的输到只剩 hand。原本打算只玩一两个月就收手,现在收得回来的就真的只有手。

  • 在关于“经济投资”的 Reddit 社区上,当天置顶的帖子居然是防止自杀协会的热线。这可不是说笑的,一时之间我恍如身置虚幻的炼狱之中,估计接线生们可有得忙了。


现在又重新开放了> subreddit

真的是大开眼界,世界无奇不有。一个人是要多愚昧才会把全副身家都押在单一投资项目上,更别说是风险极大的加密货币,更更别说是 T*D 的 Bitconnect 骗局了。有些人真的要吃些血一般的教训才会生性。


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Thanks for your informative and valuable post.
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Thanks for sharing .

Thanks for the spam too.

The lesson will be repeated until then, until learned!

Let's learn that lesson without the blood.

Man some people bet their life savings on it... Really dunno how they gonna go through this... Bless them

There is a reason the suicide hotline is pinned at top, hell.

its scary how some people who already know its a scam still go all in with their entire savings.

I think some of them were really believed that was a solid oppoturnity, pathetically uninformed.




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