Crypto currency faucets. 1 Spinners that pay.

in #crypto6 years ago (edited)

Free money isn't easy to come by. Some say its impossible and if you go to unnecessary detail, even bending down to pick up a random fiver off of the ground requires some amount of effort. But that doesn't keep us from wanting that "free money" now does it?

"Money for nothin' and chicks for free" goes a popular song, and it is the lifelong goal of just about everyone, making exceptions for sexual preferences of course. But how can one get money for nothing?

Well, you can't. Whether it is taking advantage of a broken system, stealing, writing for a site that pays (kinda,) or the aforementioned bending down, everything requires something. The goal is to make the most with the least effort, while not hurting anyone in the process.

That is of course were faucets come in. Faucets are methods of obtaining money, usually in the form of cryptocurrency, that take nothing but your time. One here on steemit requires but an upvote to share in the rewards.

Others, like the "spinner" series by Cast Away Productions on the play store allow you to make small amounts of crypto by spinning a virtual "wheel of fortune" and then watching an add.

I have found three of them ethereum spinner, litecoin spinner, and bitcoin spinner

Those spinner links not only take you to their info and download page, but are also my referral codes, use of which will give us both bonus coins. Granted the bonus isn't much, neither is the amount you will earn per spin. But if you are truly broke, from a particularly poor region, or find yourself in the bathroom with naught but a phone and free time, they aren't bad. Best of all, the three I have linked here actually pay out.

additional reference codes, binance or kucoin to buy, sell, and trade. Or kryptonia for a unique crypto experience.

Nice post
Kryptonia @bitcoinpaul

Thanks for the tips - on my list now!

I'm coming to you from @kyrptonia with the same user name.

From Kryptonia: @hatuvera

thanks for the info. Kryptonia @juancarlos2906

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