Defend your future and hodl the line!

in #crypto7 years ago (edited)

There comes a time when you have to stand for what you believe in and defend what you hold dear.
Now is that time and hence I have to stand up and speak to all of you about what is at stake here.
For the first time we are at war against traditional financial and banking industry used to control and enslave humanity.
For the first time in human History we have at our disposal an amazing technology that gives control of money supply back to people and takes control away from bankers.
Now they attack us at weak points where they have control: exchanges and Tether (which is not real cryptocurrency). They use scare tactics of new stiff regulations and taxes to scare you into abandoning cryptocurrency. They try hardest to convince you that cryptocurrency is worthless and you should run away from it into security of US dollar.
And you will be a fool to fall into it.
The Tether serves as a bridge between cryptocurrency World and fiat currency. They stand next to this bridge threatening to burn it down and the fools rush in to sell their cryptocurrency holdings and run across that bridge to US dollar.
When you are doing it - keep in mind that your looses will be bankers gains and you will play right into their hands.
You abandon the freedom of cryptocurrency for perceived safety of US dollar. But more importantly you make a vote for what kind of future you want to live in. You vote for traditional banking system that at the end will rob you of all your possessions any way by continue devaluing dollar. And at the end you will be sorry.
Each of you who hold cryptocurrency and believe in the idea and promise of Blockchain technology is a soldier in this revolution and war against status quo of current financial system.
By falling into temptation of fear, breaking the line and abandoning your fellow soldiers in a line - you sacrifice your and their future. You will end up loosing everything and being slaughtered on this battlefield like a sheep.
Now is not a time to be afraid, now is the time to have courage and hold the line!
At the end bankers will loose and we will be victorious!

We all have placed a stake in this war. We can not be broken if we stay united!

Help to spread this battle cry and defend your future!
Share this with your friends, help spread the word!Hodl.jpeg


buy the dip ignore the fud xD good post

Nice, this is an appeal to protect our security and change the field of public finances. Our social responsibility is to make people aware that crypto are not something to empower criminals but cryptos will change the way we all live!

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