Blood Bathh!!How Low Can You Go?Lmao...I think We Might Be Drowning..Anybody Got Floaters?

in #crypto6 years ago

OMG! This is lnot even laughable but I just can't help it. There is something very weird that must be happening behind the scenes. Like is this really normal? I just came over from Wls and I was reading about how the prices have just tanked in the last hour at such an escalating speed. e, curious like a cat. Now at CMC staring at this prices and wondering wtf is happening??

Seriously guys, all the graphs are down down down.. Is it even worth it any more?Lol, I know we might probably wake up to some green, because, who knows the fuck happens when we sleep. And also, we have to keep the Satoshi legacy alive, she would want that. Yeah, She, @ned confirmed it the other day on the livestream :D.

But Seriously guys, I might be drowning a little drop at a time. I need a floater, anybody got some?

This is what they meant when they said you can take the donkey/horse(whaever) but you can't force it to drink lol

I think the best I can do about this is laugh it out and watch others panic. It makes it a little bit easier to handle the disappointment this crypto year has been in a way. On the brighter side, the people with strong hands are about to become overnight millionaires with this blood bath, I'd like to think of myself as one of those, but we'll never know since I don't got fiat to spend :D I guess this is what they meant by it's the thought that counts?

What I am interested to know however, how the hell did we get here? And what are you doing in this very devastating times? Currently Steem is at $0.65, I don't think I've ever seen it this low, even the last dip wasn't this brutal. Man! Has it ever been worse that this? Hopefully the Bull will hit equally hard when it comes, after all, For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

I think I better go listen to some Bayhive Music Cause I ain't feeling this vibes at all. On the other hand, loving the SF content that's flowing in. Don't hold back lads & gents, Keep them coming!

Enjoy your Mid-Week Fam.

Lotsa Love,




After taking Blood Bath, Steemians buried in graveyard. Much frustrated. Seems to be scam.

Lol, no need to be frustrated for long, it will come around. I am not happy at the moment though.

yes you are right, but it is unexpected in these days as compare to last year. but still a little bit hopeful.

That's the Spirit! Just Keep on Creating, you'll be more happy when the price goes up. It can feel hard and tough at the moment but it will be worth it. I try to remind myself that, even when I Vent.

yes you are right my friend.
can we talk on discord?

LMAO. You Know the Drill!

I hear people saying all the time that they're not in it for the money... So there's no reason to do anything but #HODL

I want to make a living doing nothing but creating here on the blockchain butI was already incapable of doing that at the price it was at so to me it's just keep on creating and use this down time to find your niche!

Posted using Partiko Android

I am with you on living of off content creation. I think I did such a post a week ago. I couldn't think of a better digital lifestyle than what this platform is aiming to do. I think ppl who say not in it for the money are typical liars, why invest in the first place? Finding your niche and making connections, it'll eventually pay off.

I'm also venturing out to other content creation platforms, steemit clones. Might be worth to have to income flows, or more..

Interesting, any in particular you care to share?

Posted using Partiko Android

Whaleshares is where I am mostly posting atm, there's also Scorum which is only for Sports related Content.
And which I haven't started using yet, apparently it's for smokers lol, or weed...not sure.

Who scorum might be interesting in because I have done some sports journalism in the past and I know that smoke. IO is for marijuana particularly, at least how I understand!

Posted using Partiko Android

Then Scorum it is :)
I don't use it much, but it could be great for you. I'd also recommend Wls.

Markets go up and down, I am just going to focus on riding the waves 🏄🏾‍♂️

Imho this is the time to build up further. The market inevitably goes back up.

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