Amazin Yeshuwanna Money: Powering An Online Player Community
The global market size of the gaming market in 2017 was around $418.83 billion dollars and is expected to grow up to $635 in 2022. The secret behind this growth is the rise of mobile devices, mobile phones and tablets among several others. Developers finds it difficult to set up their own online betting applications due to issues like compliance, safety of gaming, and lack of transparency which looks expensive and difficult to manage. The causes can be seen as programmability and technological challenges
Get to Know About Amazin Yeshuwanna Money
Amazin Yeshuwanna Money is a blockchain designed for Economy Education Gaming system. It helps in connecting developers to a decentralized system of programmable blockchain resources to give room for a new online gaming system and infrastructure. Amazin Yeshuwanna Money allows various developers to program their own gaming application by using Amazin white label system. Compliance and safety are ensured in the protocol level.
Amazin Yeshuwanna ensures genuine solutions to these problems by allowing large firms to create more efficient ways to deliver their products. Amazin wants to solve the problem of programmability and legality surrounding the creation of gaming dApp's so as to make them focus on their own content and products.
Financial ecosystem now has trust in smart contract exchange with the use of decentralized blockchain like Binance Smart Chain.
AYM Overview & Core Concepts
The Economy Education Board Gaming system is designed upon four(4) layers inorder to give room for further development. Amazin Yeshuwanna Money took some steps to make sure that its technology compliant and sound on the regulatory basis.
- Fit & ProperApplications (whenapplicable).
- Economy Education Board Game System Planning.
- Operational & Statutory Requirements.
- System Review.
- Compliance Review
Amazin Yeshuwanna Money project is built untop of quite a number of concept that have proven their worthiness especially in the long run, these concepts includes: - Records of Oracle Reputation: In the Economy Education Board Gaming system, there will be a set of in a solidarity smart contract which gives a secure state of the network. The problem arises, given the fees associated with the Binance Smart Chain Blockchain and this will be handled by solutions like Raiden network or loom network by holding off chain data in a no fee storage network.
- Dispute Window: In any type of resolution event, all parties will be given a window where dispute can take place. After network resolution and propagation, Each party will be given a time frame of 12 hours to create a dispute about the event. AmYesMoney (BEP20) is a gaming token exchanged by players into the oracle system used by disputers as a reward for new selection of oracle.
- Time Withdrawal: After Gaming token of all players will be frozen for 12 hours. If a another dispute is proposed within the time, a new locking period will occur in the next 24 hours until new oracle resolution otherwise, tokens will be released to use in the network.
- Event Resolution: Dispute events can be resolved in three various ways which includes;
- Community Driven Consensus:
This consist of users that report real world outcome of events. They are rewarded genuine information and punished for giving out false information. - Bookings: This is where the information about an event outcome is reported via API.
- By Fiat: This is where a developer of the dApp publishes an outcome of an event.
Gaming Token Exchange
A player will be able to utilize the gaming token exchanged in Binance Smart Chain on his or her cryptocurrency wallet for AmYesMoney (BEP20) gaming token, if the wallet passes CDD checks. There is exchanges in the ecosystem participant exchanges share of market outcome.
Developers just need to interact with the libraries, they don't have to touch the blockchain environment and language specific need. All parameters needed are recorded in the smart contract. dApp owners will have a private key to access activities.
AYM Market Creation & Market Types
The creation of gaming token market and gaming token dApp via Amazin Yeshuwanna Money helps developers as a portal to dApp stat and resources.Developers define their needs and are guided through Amazin Yeshuwanna Money. Communication is created among the following;
- WebApp (BackOffice)- Event Creation and Stats.
- Amazin Yeshuwanna (API) -Bridge
- DApps (User Interface)– Gaming Token Submission and Event Resolution.
The offering of different solutions needs valued use case. Token exchange should be able to allow different market to be created maintained properly. Market type resolution will traditional falls in one of the following; - Binary Outcome: Whether a given outcome does or does not occur.
- Multiple outcomes: Which outcome out of a list of outcomes occurs .
Competitors Analysis
Amazin Yeshuwanna Money differentiate itself from other gaming platforms. It is designed to help develop to easily deploy their apps using solutions. It does not force a look or style that which to build upon. Amazin Yeshuwanna Money is to provide excellent backend tools, libraries,resources & documentation, and even customizable frontends and games–thus freeing up developers to work on marketing and acquisition. This is the only way to build the most rebust and rich variety of Economy Education Board Game system applications for players to enjoy.
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In Conclusion
Amazin Yeshuwanna Money is a decentralized blockchain which is the first first universal economy education board Gaming system. The project helps gives developers easy access to display their gaming applications online without going through any challenges. Do follow the official links i made available below for much more into the idea of Amazin Yeshuwanna Money, thanks.
Website | Whitepaper Twitter | Telegram | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | Medium | Reddit | GitHub
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Forum user: thefreethinker
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