
in #crypto7 years ago


“Grandpa! Tonight's the night!”

“They're broadcasting the VIVA Awards Ceremony on the holo-V! I just love these shows!”

Haha, yeah they do a good job nowadays.

Want me to tell you how it worked in the beginning of the VIVAconomy?

“Yes! I love your stories.”

Well, back when the VIVAconomy was launched the Awards Rights were just an idea. When we did the first ICO and sold the first VIVA Crowns (you'd laugh at how cheap we sold them!) the awards system was just a section in our white paper.

We knew how we wanted it to work, but we had to bring in some money before we could actually build the technology.

It was a really crazy time.

You see, back then the first Treasury Rights were just a hundred VIVA more or less, and the system that tracked awards rights wasn't even built.

So, all we could really do was talk about them!

“You mean there weren't any ceremonies? No people jumping for joy? No tears or laughing?”

Well, we cried now and then but not because the awards rights were changing lives - not yet.

You have to remember, the VIVAconomy was mostly just a theory then. We had one simple business application - an old exchange system called Tradeqwik. It was the only working mint, and it didn't even have a slick 2D interface - much less an enveloping 3D interface like you're used too!

But back to the story.

I remember the first time we actually were able to hand out a true Awards Right.

The VIVAconomy had been functioning for a few months and the “prize bucket” - that's what we called the Awards Pool back then - was worth a whopping five thousand VIVA!

“What? But that's crazy! It's worth over a billion every quarter now.”

Yes, but things moved slower back then.

Anyway, we called a Consilium Coronam and the Crown Holders decided to grant the entire AR to one young mother. She had three children and was struggling to keep food on the table.

On a global scale it wasn't very significant.

But I'll remember that moment as one of the proudest of my life!

So, tonight when you're watching the celebration, remember things weren't always like they are now.

Back then, millions of people struggled just to survive.

We've come a long way, but the basic principle behind the Awards Rights hasn't changed.

They are still the most beautiful way of changing individual lives for the better.

And never forget - none of this would be possible except for the courageous vision that the early Crown Holders demonstrated.


@storyteller in chief
Listen. Think. Do.

P.S. Looking forward to changing lives? Become a VIVA Crown Holder now - https://vivaco.in (https://vivaco.in/)

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