2018 - Goodbye fiat hello crypto

in #crypto7 years ago


The much talked about next economic shift or collapse is underway.

It can be gleaned as beginning by observance of the way that Bitcoin and many other cryptocurrencies are following a big upwards rush of value. People are leaving fiat currency, and putting investments into crypto. At this time it is simply a wave, fairly soon it will increase as even banks have to become involved as their investors make pressure for such investments. This is beginning to show how devalued and negative in real terms the national fiat currencies actually are. In comparison to the $dollar and other major currencies, the cryptos are out-performing by fantastically huge proportions any bond or stock shares or savings. To anyone with common sense these manoeuvres are plain to see; exposing the valueless spiralling down spending value of ‘money’ due to debt-flation and Quantitative Easing. When more people become aware of this realization; that their savings and spending power is depleting even more rapidly everyday; expect an even greater flood towards crypto’s.

Crypto currencies, of all the types of alt-coins; will all rise, and those with genuine services such as real world applications based on the blockchain will become the most valuable. Expect a tsunami of activity by mid 2018. It can be predicted just by mentally working this out, and useful too that Clif High's webbot is also predicting a similar pattern.

An ideal time for new ICO projects with great usability and local social group activity to emerge giving a locally focused set of services and keeping wealth in the form of a rising in value currency within the public user community.

Using your own due diligence and common sense applied to these issues and finding out for yourself is the way to go. Not many people are awake to these issues, to this situation, which presents its own opportunities to those who are applying common sense to what's happening, but then, this sense is not as common as it used to be.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63098.94
ETH 2621.87
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.74