Should an ICO be held for the creation of the ultimate video game console?

in #crypto6 years ago (edited)

Decentralization, Steem, and the Ultimate Console

An idea for an SMT acting as a crowd sale to build the most powerful video game console ever built. The console should work with Steem but also any other blockchain. The Abyss recently launched an ICO which easily raised over $8 million in around 48 hours. I have seen ICOs raise over a billion dollars (just look at EOS), or hundreds of millions (look at Tezos). In my opinion these kinds of ICOs are just the tip of the iceberg. It may be possible to create the ultimate video game console in terms of technical specification, which has complete and total integration with TheAbyss and all similar gaming platforms. This sort of hardware in my opinion could take Steem, crypto, and all related projects into the living rooms.

What do you think about this idea? Is it good or bad? What sort of specs would this sort of console require in your opinion? What would be sufficient? In my opinion the most powerful console that can be built, which has social media features and ability to connect to any blockchain technology.

  • An open hardware specification will have to be created first. How will we create such a specification?
  • Would such hardware benefit from hardware level cryptographic chips?
  • What CPU architecture makes the most sense?
  • How much ram should it have and should it have any internal storage?

The strategic element rests in the synergies below:

  • Crypto creates demand for GPUs just to mine the tokens. This means the demand for the GPUs for the console could be built into the blockchain itself which means producing new GPUs could be fueled in a similar way to how mining in general evolves a market in crypto. This is of course in theory.
  • Crypto has some of the most talented programmers and engineers in the world. Why not leverage that talent in the gaming industry? This means the supply of talent is probably there.
  • Crypto has lots of gamers who would want to get paid in crypto to play games and who would pay in crypto for new games. This means the demand for the games is also likely to be there.

Apparently the next gen console will be just a controller and you will be able to stream games from any old monitor and basic computer that connects to the internet.

The games will be streamed from rigs similar to 'mining' in bitcoin. This could effectively make gaming cheaper for everybody.

How do you break into a market that already has two multi billion dollar companies leading the way??
I think its a great idea I just dont see how its gonna play out.
Top of the line technology would be needed for major market penetration! Along with cheap overall cost.

Crypto is a 400 billion dollar market. Crypto has some of the best developers in the world, best engineers in the world. Crypto mining is fueling the video card market. So if you combine the expertise and demand from the miners, with the demand from the gamers, and the talent of the programmers, do you see the potential synergy?

If crypto can produce these giant mining conglomerates then what makes you think gaming cannot grow exponential the same way?

I see where your going now! Yeah that would be something else if they were able to pull it off!

Do you know the blockchain project called Chimaera?

A few weeks ago I did a research about that project and it covers some of the ideas you are mentioning here, especially the ones that link blobkchain technology with the gaming world.

About the hardware, I don't really know what to add because I am not an expert at it, I just know a little bit about which processors are good, as well as GPU, SSD ... but the console would need to be powerful enough to play at 4k so its really at the forefront technologically wise.

I think it does need to have internal storage obviously.

I think a gaming industry can also bootstrap a decentralized community, and a wisdom engine or similar platform. Internal storage it would depend on the game. Certainly for certain games it is necessary but you can have web based games as well.

This is awesome...... Technology at its best. Nice post and thanks for sharing

Creating a token just for the sake of doing an ICO does not seem like a good idea. One would need to design a sustainable token flow.

What if the token is mined both by gaming and by GPU mining?

Using game consoles for mining might not be a good idea. Maybe a PoS system would make more sense. As I developer I would rather accept a stable currency for my work.

That is not what I said though. I'm saying the miner is the console. You simply put the mining chips as part of the console, such as in the cartridge slot or extender slot. The only issue would be heating but if every console also mines then this makes sense to me.

Ok, I understand now. In this case I would prefer a PC. People buy game consoles for two reasons:

  1. Easy setup and convenience
  2. Exclusive game titles

The concept of mining contradicts with the first option.

whether it is related to blockchain ?

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