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RE: Ethereum co-founder and founder of Cardano Charles Hoskinson predicting ten years until crypto returns to its ATH

in #crypto5 years ago

Ask yourself why Crypto isn't currently in a bull run? For one it can't scale. Even Steem is having problems getting to 50 million or a 100 million user base. Myspace didn't have these problems back in 2008 but Steem is. Reddit doesn't have these problems but Steem does. This tells you why crypto cannot maintain 100 billion dollar market caps while these companies can.

So yes, when one company such as Facebook is easily worth hundreds of billions of course Steem could be worth 1 billion. Of course some crypto app could be worth tens of billions and eventually 100 billion. It doesn't take 10 years either.

The main issues for crypto:

  • Regulators suppressing crypto by making it almost impossible to use it as a currency (due to taxes).
  • Regulators leaving us with limited clarity so that securities offering becomes next to impossible to do in legitimate fashion.
  • Companies and countries banning advertisements or banning crypto entirely.
  • Evil media coverage which links crypto to organized crime, hackers, and child abuse (we still see a lot of these headlines).
  • Horrible UX. Users are expected to manage their own keys, to learn all this new stuff (it costs a person time/money to learn). In other words it costs more to learn to use crypto than most will think it's worth to learn.
  • Crypto can't yet scale to hundreds of millions of users. If 100 million users tried to use Steem right now the platform wouldn't be able to handle it. Ethereum, Bitcoin, none of them can handle 100 million users right now. The good news here is progress is being made, Lightning, Raiden, Plasma, and other layer 2 solutions are coming online right now. By the end of 2019 I think the scaling problems will be solved.

True, we just needed time probably @dana-edwards which for me I can't afford. Sigh.

Hey I didn't say I can afford it either. Growth does take time, but as long as teams make steady progress with the end goal in mind then positive changes keep happening.

If the goal is mainstream adoption then steps can be taken to create the technologies to enable people to pursue that goal. Scaling is critical to pursuit of mainstreamability.

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