G-Global ICO Review

in #crypto6 years ago (edited)

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The G-Global presale recently started with their ICO set to start shortly.

Thanks to general improvements in technology, the use of the Internet for consultations is on the rise. However, aside from this being a rather large industry to tap into, there is the point to be made about how to earn money from whatever it is that you can offer. Ultimately, G-Global claims it has been able to circumvent a number of the more contentions areas associated with consulting via the Internet.
Check their website here

What is G-Global?

The new platform is described as being a fully decentralized platform that allows people to talk to one another over the Internet while being paid a reward for their expertise. This is not a new concept, and there are other cryptocurrencies out there that offer this exact kind of service, so we need to study how this project is different.

Their theory is that it allows experts to discuss issues and problems with one another via the blockchain and using IFPS. In order for it all to work, tokens must be purchased to power the blockchain. Furthermore, they are looking at creating what amounts to a freelancer platform whereby companies are able to find professional employees with it all operating via the blockchain.

The Technical Aspect of G-Global.

Looking at the technical side of things, the platform is built entirely on Ethereum, and the token that is produced is an ERC20 token. This does mean that transactions that are made on the platform are fast, anonymous and secure. This will also mean that users can store their tokens in any popular Ethereum based wallet such as MyEtherWallet.

Also, when work is completed, it appears on the blockchain which means companies can check the amount of work that has been completed before payment is made. This reduces the chances of fraud and further increases confidence in the consultant that they hire. Each step is secured via the use of Smart Contracts, so the consultants know that they will be paid for the work that they do.

Both sides also know that the tokens are in place prior to work being completed. Once again, this increases confidence in the entire network which is a major bonus considering the issues that tend to plague this particular industry.

In other words, from a technical perspective, the blockchain is being used to offer validity to the entire transaction. This clearly offers advantages over more centralized platforms, with the whole transaction process being clear to all involved.

The Advantages of Using G-Global.

The advantages of using G-Global are pretty clear. By creating a platform that eliminates consulting organizations, it means that companies are able to save money by cutting out the middleman. Also, it means they are in more control over the consultants that they work with, which is also going to be far more appealing to them.

There is also the advantage of consultants knowing exactly who they are working for and that people will feel more secure with the way in which there are public reviews that cannot be altered later. The entire approach that is offered by G-Global is designed to help companies to expand in a more organized and controlled manner. Furthermore, the fact that everything is dealt with via a cryptocurrency does mean that there are no fees associated with currency exchanges to be dealt with either, so the costs are easier to handle.

The Financial Aspect and the ICO.

When it comes to the financial side of things, then the team behind the project has decided that they are only going to accept ETH as a currency. This is nothing unusual with many of the current ICOs preferring to only accept ETH.

Furthermore, they have also set both a soft and hard cap for the ICO. The soft cap has been set at $300,000 while the hard cap is currently sitting at $5,000,000 which is a fair bit lower than other token sales at the moment. This is ofcourse an advantage due to their being less tokens available to purchase when it hits the exchanges.
They have also stated that, when it comes to the tokens, there is a general guide for the ICO of 1 G-Global token equating to $0.3 which gives you an indication of where they plan on placing their product in the grand scheme of other ICO opportunities out there.

You may also wish to know that there are some 2,000,000 tokens being produced for the ICO which represents 65% of the total number that is going to be created by the project.

Overall Conclusion About G-Global and the ICO.

To conclude, G-Global is not offering something that is brand new and unique to them, but that alone should not be enough to potentially put you off investing into this ICO. They are seeking to resolve a number of issues connected to the world of online consulting and hiring freelancers for a variety of tasks, so there is a need for them to exist.

Also, it is worth remembering that there is more than one single freelancer website, so if there is room away from the blockchain, then there is certainly space when using the technology that clearly offers many benefits.

So, is it worth investing in this opportunity? For some the higher minimum investment level will be enough to put them off, and you would perhaps feel more confident if they were indeed offering a completely unique product. On the other hand, it is known that there is a need for this service and product, so the chances of it failing are reduced. The only difficulty is in getting people to move to their platform, but if they are able to overcome that then the initial investment could prove to be fruitful.
The team behind the project does seem to have a lot of experience which is always one of the most important things when selecting a token to invest in.
If they're able to reach or get near to the hardcap that they've set then they should also have a large initial marketing budget to attract new users to the platform.

At the end of the day, it depends on how much faith you put into the company on a personal basis simply because of the risk involved. They do have a good team behind them, and if that is enough to convince you combined with a sound idea, then it may very well be worth an investment.


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