Coti ICO Review

in #crypto6 years ago (edited)

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The Coti ICO is set to start shortly.
With the way in which both the blockchain and cryptocurrencies are continuing to explode onto the scene, it’s not surprising to find that there are also options emerging that focus entirely on providing a payment solution for all of the various applications and businesses that are looking at moving into this arena.

That is where Coti has decided to attempt to place itself in the market, but as there are also other companies out there offering a similar thing, it makes so much sense to see what Coti is offering in some detail before you think about going ahead and investing in the ICO.

What is Coti?

The new platform is basically a payment network that is powered by the creation of its own token. They state that they are setting what should become the standard for all digital payments that seek to use a cryptocurrency rather than a fiat currency. That is clearly quite a bold statement to make, so they could be making life harder for themselves by being so brash in what they are saying.

The company states that the current payment options, outwith the cryptocurrency solution, has a tendency to have rather large transaction fees that are just not necessary. They also note that their solution is going to be significantly safer as a result of the blockchain technology and they will also be able to process the transactions for a fraction of the current cost.

The Technical Aspect.

Built on the Ethereum platform, it does mean that there are a whole host of advantages that come with using Coti as a payment processor. Of course, there is the general stability of Ethereum to fall back on as well as the way in which it is regarded as being extremely safe due to the nature of the blockchain.

the new project is going to make full use of Smart Contracts in order to ensure that both parties are able to complete their side of the agreement. This eliminates the prospect of fraud occurring on the platform. To further enhance this aspect, they have also introduced a trust score, which is done via the blockchain and, therefore, cannot be altered in any way. This trust score shows whether or not there have been any issues with the user to help people to determine if they are an individual that they should be dealing with.

Furthermore, they are also going to seek to offer a debit card that can then be used for payments in a variety of locations. This part operates in the same way as other pre-paid debit cards, but it still makes use of the Smart Contract concept.

The Advantages of Coti.

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There are a number of advantages associated with using Coti, and primarily it has to be the trust and anti-fraud aspect. This added level of security does mean that you have less to worry about when using this option as your payment processor, and then there is the speed of transactions which are also mightily impressive.

Because of the blockchain technology, it does mean that a multitude of transactions can be processed at the one time, and at a considerably faster speed than available elsewhere. Also, because the middleman has been removed from the process, it also means that the fees for the transactions will be considerably lower than elsewhere.

The Financial Aspect of the Coti ICO.

There is a slight problem when it comes to the financial side of things simply because they appear to be rather reluctant to reveal full details of what to expect with the ICO. This is because of them conducting a private sale at the time of writing and the ICO has not yet started.

However, we do know that it is their aim to raise a total of $60 million during the fundraising part and that it is believed as much as 42% of all tokens minted are going to then be available during this phase. There are also various areas that are not going to be allowed to participate in the ICO part including the United States.

Quite simply, we are going to have to wait just a little bit longer to then see what is in store from a financial point of view with this particular cryptocurrency.

Overall Conclusion About the Project and the ICO.

To conclude, there are many that state that they are attempting to become the digital currency version of Paypal, and even though that is not exactly going to be a bad thing it does come across as being a rather high target to aim for.

There is no doubt that offering an effective payment system for digital currencies is needed, but then Coti is not the only one out there. They do plan on taking advantage of the anti-fraud measures that are almost customary with the blockchain and the use of Smart Contracts, and when you consider the realistic fears that people have surrounding this, then offering them a solution that is going to not involve them potentially losing their money is an attractive proposition.

Finally, the review and trust aspect is good news, and that alone is capable of making a significant difference in choosing as to whether or not someone should work with a particular user. Considering the number of potential partners out there, the way in which you can pick and choose who you trust does make life that bit easier.

The only issue to worry about at this moment in time is the lack of information connected to the ICO, but then that is not as bad as it seems. They will reveal details when the time is correct, and it is simply a case of waiting until it is closer to the ICO period.

So, should you think about investing in this project when the time is right? The quick answer has to be yes simply because it is a payment processing option that will prove to be useful to a number of people. Considering the amount of money that is spent on the Internet, there is certainly room for more than one company such as this, so there is a role for Coti to play in the bigger scheme of things.

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