The Global Politics Driving The Cryptocurrency Social Movement --> And Why They'll NEVER Disappear

in #crypto6 years ago (edited)

Social movements and cultures that survive forever... do so by having the ability to change with the times.

This is no different than what is occurring with cryptocurrencies, which currently depend on Bitcoin for survival.

No worries though, because Bitcoin isn't going anywhere any time soon.

So why am I so confident that digital currencies aren’t going anywhere?
The many reasons are as follows:

Don’t be fooled, these things are not as revolutionary as many think..

They are, in the sense that they provide the means for anybody to acquire wealth and live comfortable, abundant lives, but money has been digital since the credit card emerged and the Gold Standard was removed.

BUT this comes with a price..and that’s control..

Control is shifting, but not the way many people think.

No, the government is not afraid or threatened by cryptocurrencies.

In fact, the government may have actually CREATED Bitcoin.
Of which was the NSA.

Why does that make sense? Because it gives them complete control.

Not only can they track every single electronic transaction, but they can shut it down anytime they want.. because it is DIGITAL.

Think about the events occurring globally and digitally.

Everything is going digital. We have people microchipping themselves, electronic money, self-driving cars, healthcare technology that can scan you and then that data can be used to create custom medications based on your individual body chemistry, and the list goes.

Now, even if there isn’t a secret backdoor built into Bitcoin, all they need to do to shut it down is take control of the entire network and pull the plug.

Right now, no one owns the internet, but if things really got out of hand then it would happen.

Currently, the NSA can’t snoop on network activity outside of the US for legal reasons, but if it became a serious problem, someone, somewhere will create a "United Nations" style organization to control it.

Try to think about it like this – being an investor isn’t much different than being an intelligence analyst. You have to develop the skill of looking at past and current events and predict what future events will occur.

Bitcoin has been around for years, but only recently has it gained mass popularity.
The Blockchain has never been hacked though.

Did you know the cybercrime is going to be the world’s #1 leading problem by 2020?

Due to digital technologies, there will by twice as many people online and 200 billion devices connected to the internet.

So there will be 50 times more online activity and with it comes 50 times more cybercrime.

So it’s not really that surprising that digital currencies are here and gaining popularity or that it will be here it??

Seems like it would only make a full, global transition much more accepted.

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