in #crypto7 years ago



Since the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States, the politics of State of that country has become somewhat more direct. Unlike his predecessor, Barack Obama, the new President speaks directly to his enemies and not all are words.

Just months after taking power, Mr. Trump ordered military exercise on the peninsula of Korea, region that lies in the middle of a phased military tests he has been doing in recent months.

The growing tension in the region has led to the Government of North Korea to issue press releases warning of the possibility of a "conflict" large scale if United States continued with their exercises.

And this does not seem to be a bluff, the communist nation recently conducted a military exercise in which launched a missile to the waters of Japan, adding more tension to the region.

But as he raised the price of oil to the Middle East conflict will go up of the bitcoin by a possible conflict on the Korea peninsula?

No is a secret that the bitcoin is the most precious digital asset today. The coin has a market capitalization of more than $ 21 billion, surpassed for the first time the 4600 USD not long ago and is even a coin of legal use in Japan.

Today, Japan is one of the most important markets of bitcoin. The amount of Japanese yen which move within the space of the bitcoin rival those of the USD and leave behind the Chinese yuan and the euro. Even the possibility that the yen down by printing of inorganic money by the Central Bank of Japan, is something that would lead Japanese investors to safeguard their purchasing power buying bitcoin, resulting in an increase of the price of the Not bad.

That two of the most important bitcoin on the world markets, such as Japan and China, are so closely in the area of tension is something that could have an impact not only in the price of its currency, but in the of the bitcoin.

It is something that brings back memories of the period of conflict between United States and some countries in the Middle East in 2001. This conflict was one of the factors that led to the oil price will shoot more than USD 100, leading producing countries have a bonanza like no other.

In times of crisis, it is natural that some people want to protect the value of your money by investing in property, that's why in Venezuela have been trading up to $ 600,000 in Localbitcoin, country which since April has been under a conflict between Government and opposition, which has already left a balance of more than 30 dead and 1000 arrested.
A conflict between Korea's North and the United States, with Japan, China and Korea in the South in the Middle, would have more than 3/4 involved bitcoin in the Worldmarkets.

But who would benefit from this?

It is well known that the leaders of North Korea are not alien to the technological advances, much less of the bitcoin. Moreover, there is evidence that the nation has been obtaining, or better said, stealing bitcoins for awhile already. Be certain that North Korea has reserves of bitcoin, nation, or rather, its leaders, would benefit from an escalation of prices. Although the bitcoin is not a centralized asset like oil, where producing countries follow global standards and work together to maintain a stable price. The bitcoin, by their characteristic of being a decentralized well, not usually be affected in the same way as other reserve assets.

However, as already mentioned above, such a conflict would involve, at least more than 3/4 of world markets of bitcoin by trading volume.

Of course, all this is speculation, by what was said above, the fact that occurs whether or not a conflict could not affect the bitcoin directly, but yes may affect the markets trust coins, paper money issued by the central banks of each country.

Taking into account that the Central Bank of Japan has been printing money inorganic, which is bitcoin in the world market and which in turn is near the area of the conflict, the Japanese yen could be affected, which would lead to Yen-holders protect their money in reserve, one of which currencies would be the bitcoin, which would lead to an increase in demand for bitcoin.
At the end of the day, only it is waiting to see how this conflict will develop and whether truth will continue climbing until a military outcome. As a new currency, there is no previous history on the behavior of the bitcoin in times of a large-scale armed conflict.


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