Splinterlands | SPT Splintertalk Update

in #crypto2 years ago

I have been interested by the SPT token from Splinterlands which is used on Splintertalk.io firt making a post about in on the 25th of September 2020 (Link). This is another update post since last time I covered it 5 months ago (Link)

The Cryptocurrency market is very volatile with most coins getting to points where they are wildly undervalued to crazy overvalued and back within months. SPT has been no exception to this going from 0.00014$ to as high as 0.01593$ to come back down again to 0.00311$ today.

I was fortunate enough to cost-average my way into SPT for almost an entire year at cheap prices reaching just shy of 2 Million SPT to keep most of it (1.8 Million) staked and delegated to @monster-curator which gives some daily passive returns to this day. I did take some profit along the way after it did a 1000x and have kind of forgotten about it the past 4-5 months just letting it accumulate on hive-engine. There are so many things in crypto and ways to make passive income that it's hard to keep track of everything. Right now I have close to 200k SPT (~600$) sitting liquid in my wallet that I managed to accumulate. The great thing is that SPT is not only giving passive SPT each day but it also counts for a great bit toward the SPS Airdrop giving me nearly 500k airdrop points that have done their work the past 207 Days! It are mainly the Vouchers I have taken profit on while I keep Staking my SPS Daily as I see it as one of the more solid tokens inside the Splinterlands ecosystem especially if it will be supported by future games the team will release (That's at least how I understand it)

So overall things have worked out much better than I could have expected getting into SPT.

SPT Market Caps & Inflation

DatePriceMarket CapSupply
10/02/20210.00028$19,318 $68,905,727 SPT
22/04/20210.00031$ (+10.7%)23,123 $75,621,474 SPT (+9.74%)
04/08/20210.00619$ (+2000%)460,895 $85,561,680 SPT (+13.14%)
05/09/20210.01593$ (+257%)1,425,000 $89,454,000 SPT (+4.55%)
18/02/20220.00311$ (-80.5%)387,350 $124,550,000 SPT (+39.2%)

The price of SPT came down by -80% since the last update 5 months ago which was bound to happen at one point. Right now the value SPT gives toward the SPS airdrop gives SPT it's value while at the same time there is quite a lot of Inflation (+40% in 5 months) which puts some pressure on the price. SPT also got an extra use case with NFTs that can be bought with it (See NFT Marketplace). For as far as I understand, they don't have any use-case aside from being collectibles. Personally, I'm not into the NFT market that way seeing them as "Overpriced Jpegs" but it's nice to have that feature.

I'm not sure where things will go after the airdrop is over but I assume that the system of airdrop points will continue one way or another just to avoid a total sell-off and collapse as many right now are holding SPT/DEC/CARDS/... Just for that. The total market cap under 400k still seems quite reasonable even though there is still a lot of room for it to go down.


SPT for sure has been a great ride and I intend to keep my 1.8 Million SPT delegation to @monster-curator in place which earns me around 4$-5$ passively each day not even counting the SPS Airdrop and the Vouchers / Staking rewards from those. I will also be putting some time into looking closer into @curation-cartel which does a similar thing to @monster-curator for other Tribe Tokens.

Congrats on all those that managed to get in on SPT and are Holding now or took Profit along the way to reap the rewards!

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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 68228.72
ETH 3279.36
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.67