Splinterlands | Spineback Turtle Challenge

in #crypto3 years ago

The weekly Share Your Battle Challenges for Splinterlands continues in 2022 and I inted to keep joining them. This week it highlights the Spineback Turtle...

The Spineback Turtle is a common card from the Beta set which has quite good stats for 4 mana and it is very useful in matches where the max mana cap for monsters is set at 4. The main downside is the speed but in matches with reverse speed this makes it double powerful. Certainly a card that is nice to have in your collection and I play it regularly in my games.

The game rules were suited to play a water melee line-up with off course the Spineback Turtle in the first place. The Electric Eels in 2nd place is anothe 4 mana monster with the Blast ability and a lot of speed. I played the Medusa in 3rd place made use of the +1 Magic Damage and allowed the Parasitic Growth to potentially pick up some more health along the way getting healed in the end by the Crustacean King who provided all monsters also with 2 Armor. The last place was a choice between the Pirate Captain who gived the 3 Melee monsters +1 attack or the Naga Windmaster which recduces the ranged attack from the opponent by 1. I did opt for the 3 mana monster instead of the 4 mana which likely wouldn't have mada much of a difference.

This was a really strong deck but also a very expensive one at a total cost that easily goes above 1250$ which gave me the pay2win advantage causing me to win the match fairly easily.

Full Battle Replay

Previous Weekly Challenges

Giant RocCentaurDragons
Animated CorpseDefender Of TruthStone Golem
Pirate CaptainGoblin ShamanElven Cutthroat
Dragons ChallengeHaunted SpiderCrystal Jaguar
Centauri MageWave RunnerAnt Miners
Grumpy DwarfDragonsDark Ha'On
Cave SlugBeatrix IronhandElectric Eels
Effreet ElderSand WormRetaliate
ScavengerCerberusCoral Wraith
Minotaur WarriorOctopiderSilvershield Bard
Peaceful GiantFire SpitterNaga Fire Wizard
Naga WarriorMushroom SeerSpineback Wolf
Lone BoatmanFurious ChickenMolten Ogre
Water ElementalStonespitter OrcGrim Reaper
Defender Of TruthEnchanted DefenderDragon Summoner
Exploding DwarfSea MonsterMitica Headhunter
Death ElementalFeral SpiritMantoid
Naga BruteFalemsmithSabre Shark
Earth ElementalScreaming BansheeSilvershield Sheriff
Rusty AndroidScale DoctorSerpent Of The Flame
Pirate ArcherEqualizer ChallegeFlesh Golem
SoulstormWar ChaangKoblod Miner
Captain's GhostChild Of The ForestPhantasm
Silvershield WarriorHorny ToadGloridax Soldier
Tortisian FighterBarking SpiderTwisted Jester
ArmorsmithNo AttackBlast Ability
Sneak AbilityOpportunity AbilityJavelin Thrower
Giant SquidSerpentine SpyGoblin Mech
Nectar Queen Manticore Undead Minotaur
Spark PixiesSerpent Of EldGelatinous Cube

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