Splinterlands | Chaos Legion Pre-Sale & Private Sale Solution...

in #crypto3 years ago

Recently, I am mostly keeping up to date with everything going on in Splinterlands by watching some of my favorite youtube Splinterlands Channels (See: Top 10 Splinterlands YouTubers You Should Follow). Today there was a video of @bulldog1205 about a possible upcoming Private Sale that might come after the voucher period is over.

This is the video in question explaining what is going on:

So basically there is a large demand from bigger investors like the YGG (Yield Guild Games) to be able to get into Chaos Legion Packs and the devs would do a private sale for players or groups that want to spend at least 100k dollar at once on packs. Buys between 100k and 1 Million will get a 5% Discount. Those buying 1 Million Dollar+ will get a 10% Discount.

The reasoning behind it is that they bring in a lot of new players and they don't want to be left out once the public sale goes live. Generally, the devs have been kind to whales which is quite understandable since they bring in most of the money allowing the development of the game.

1. Voucher Phase

I kind of like the current Voucher Phase as it allows SPS holders to get some really nice returns while Whales that don't really care about money along with many that in my view don't make a proper risk/reward analysis are able to get in first getting the Exclusive Dr. Blight card. In total, the first 3 Million packs (out of 15 Million) will go out with vouchers and I'm quite happy to sit this one out just cost-average selling the vouchers I'm receiving daily so far at an average price of 20.95 Hive (16.88$) which makes the vouchers cost 4x the price of a pack which is just crazy showing the massive demand there is for these packs. In total after 26 days, this comes at around 1835$ with more than a month to go still. It is a great move from the devs to make sure the monetary power that comes from this demand goes to those staking SPS.

2. Public Sale Phase

Personally, I think the public sale the way it was planned was a setup for a complete disaster. The demand would be so big the moment it was going live it was for sure going to crash the server with bots scooping up a lot of the cards making players who were ready miss out on the first couple million of packs. Many anticipate is being sold out quickly and seeing how massive the demand is for the vouchers it's hard to see the ones who are getting 1 million of those packs now for 6x the price not at least getting a couple million of them extra during the public sale not to talk about the investors who are now wanting a deal for a private Sale after the pre-sale is over.

3. Private Sale Phase

I understand the fact that the bigger investors/spenders in the game are quite important as Splinterlands wouldn't nearly have been where it is now without them. Honestly, I wouldn't mind if there was a private Sale for 2 Million packs to investors that plan to help the game grow if it is followed by the phase where all active players are able to at least get some packs for sure.

4. Active Player Sale Phase

I thinks it's better for the game if packs are sold in more of these phases instead of all at once and it might be an idea to do a phase right after the Private Sale is over fully focussing on the actual players of the game. Imagine that everyone that completes the daily quest was able for a limited time of 24 hours to buy a pack or more of them for the 4$ price a piece depending on the league they are in. This would allow many players to get in feeling like spending money is a reward while experiencing the enjoyment of pack openings making them want more. This would also slowly release more packs not putting any pressure on the site all at once. It would somewhat feel like a quest potion which were excellent for starting players before they got nerfed.

5. Second Private Sale Phase

Maybe once a certain amount of packs are out there could be another private sale for those that weren't able to get in on the first one

6. Public Sale Phase

Once all these phases are over and maybe 5 Million Packs are left it might be an idea to just open things up completely since everyone should have had a chance by this point to get a good amount of packs without a single entity scooping up the majority.

0-1MPre-SaleWhales and those that want to overpay for vouchers getting the exclusive Dr. Blight Card
1M-3M2nd Pre-Salelikely a more affordable but still too expensive pre-sale phase with vouchers
3M-5MPrivate SaleOnly for large investors that plan to help the game grow with their purchases like YGG
5M-8MActive Player SaleAllow active players to buy some packs daily if they complete the daily quest based on their rank.
8M-10M2nd Private SaleFor big purchasers that want more or missed out on the first private sale
10M-15MPublic SaleFree-For-All

Just assuming the 15 Million packs will sell out easily in not that much time, it leaves me to wonder what will happen with the packs that are given as a 1% chance reward from the loot chests and if those will be set on the side.

Regardless of what happens, it would be nice to have at least a mechanism built in where the actual players are able to get some guaranteed packs for 4$ a piece. I get that there is a pre-sale for whales who are willing to pay too much & a private sales for bigger investors who help the game grow, but it the small mid-sized players are left completely in the dark again it would be quite sad. So far the team has nearly always made the good decisions and I hope they will do the same with the current situation.

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