Splinterlands | Buying More Chaos Legion Cards!

in #crypto2 years ago

I continue to cost-average my way into buying Chaos Legion Cards in Splinterlands trying to get a competitive Set to compete in the Gold League Modern League. This is a report on the progress I have been making.

Overall, the card prices seem to be coming down as time goes by and I Would not be surprised if this trend would continue for a bit longer. Many players have bought packs holding onto them for the airdrop which ends within 100 days. Once the airdrop is over, many of those will be opened with cards hitting the market. The split between modern and wild format might create more demand but overall I don't think enough new players are coming in at the moment to make prices spike. I guess that will come potentially way later down the line when Chaos Legion packs sell out and when the Land Expansion is released which will lock up a lot of cards on all the plots.

Chaos Legion Summoners

I continue to slowly add more Summoner cards to get each Splinter to Level 5. For 3 of them I already got there and the Kelya Frendul by some margin feels like the most powerful one which also is holding its value the best.

I will most likely start selling some of the duplicate summoners that I got from reward packs of the ones I already got to level 5 and start buying some of the ones I have yet to complete.

Kelya Frendul4040100%
General Sloan314078%
Thaddius Brood164040%
Quix The Devious3650%

I'm now 83% into getting all Chaos Legion Summoners to Level 5 compared to 77% a month ago (Link)

Upgraded Cards

I continue to play the game while exploring some of the cards that are worth combining to my own max level. Escpecially the Weekly Battle Challenges help to explore cards but also just playing the game noticing how I sometimes under certain games rules picked some of the cards I only had at Level 1. These are the new leveled-up cards I got last month...

The Kulu Swimhunter was featured in the Battle Challenge (Link) which got me to buy the needed amount of cards I was missing to get it to level 6. Good speed and good attack along with a 4 Mana cost makes it useful in lower and mid mana battles.

The Water Splinter with the Keyla Summoner is kind of becomming my go-to deck in many matches which got me to level up quite some cards from it. The Flying Squid being one of them especially because of the Blind ability and high speed. In matches where magic is not allowed this tends to be really powerful especially with Kelya who gives armor and even more speed.

The Angelic Mandarin reminds me of the Earth Elemental which is quite powerful for the mana cost. Even though I haven't used it that much since I leveled it up, I'm sure it will come in handy down the line.

I love to play a style that is centered around healing often playing the combination of the 3 Mana Devine Healer + 2 Mana Armorsmith with the Life Summoner. The Merdaali Guardian has both these heal abilities in 1 card for 3 mana which is bound to be a solid pick especially when the modern format goes live.

I noticed myself using a Level 1 Mycelic Slipspawn in multiple matches which got me to buy more of it and combine it to level 5. with the +1 Magic ability of the Chaos Legion Earth Summoner it makes quite a good combo also keeping my main tank from initially taking damage or even playing it as the main tank.

The same thing goes for the Regal Peryton which I used at level 1 in multiple matches because of the fly ability in matches that have the earthquake rule. For this reason, I just ended up buying some more getting it to level 5. The speed is also really nice on this card.

Finally the Disintegrator which aslo was part of the battke challenge (Link) I also got the Level 6 as it the Demorilize ability plays out really well in matches where Melee Monsters can attack from any position.


If anything, I really enjoy the process of collecting more cards and getting some of them to a higher level so I can actually use them in battles where they come in handy. There are a lot more cards I want to get especially some of the Epic ones that are quite expensive like Gund & Igor Darkspear. I'm in no rush though to get them all at once and I will continue to cost-average my way in one card at a time. From here on out I will start selling some duplicates using those funds to continue completing my collection and I'll make another update on the progress I'm making next month.

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