Splinterlands | Antoid Platoon Challenge

in #crypto2 years ago


Another Chaos Legion card this week in the Share Your Battle Challenge for Splinterlands. This time it's a Fire Common cared named Antoid Platoon.

Right now, I would rate the Fire Splinter (for everyone that doesn't have Yodin as a Summoner) by far the weakest in the current meta. It is the only one that I refresh when initially getting it for my daily focus even though I have most of the cards. I don't own Yodin though so for most part I never really play it especially since daily focus Splinters are somewhat forced onto players still if they want to earn chests. The Antoid Platoon in not a bad card, but right now, very specific criteria would have to meet before I would ever play it. First off, Melee must be able to be played from any position, preferably also with low mana, only up to 4 mana monsters available and no Magic allowed.

In all other situations, there are just better splinters to use or the Antoid Platoon is too vulnerable based on the rules as Magic easily can kill it while the attack it has just isn't high enough. I looked all afternoon for a match where I could play it or for a match where the opponent plays it but it simply didn't come so I'm sharing the last battle I played for the day instead as I also don't really have cards similar to the Antoid Platoon that I'm playing.

The game rule of this match was Earthquake with 23 mana to use with my daily Focus as the Death Splinter. I opted for the Thaddius Brood summoner as it potentially helps to kill off monsters of the opponent that don't have the Fly ability. The Phamtasm as my main tank is one of those cards that is good enough just for specific situations like this while the Corrupted Pegasus always is a valid option for Death Splinter Decks. The 2-mana cost Undead Priest remains one of the strong cards of this Splinterthat I often play. Both the Fallen Specter and the Enchanted Pixie had their fuction in therms of the abilities they bring and they also were protected against the Earthquake rule. The Golden Furious Chicken always works as a back line defense. Since the Phamtasm has enough Speed not to need a card in front just to block some initial damage.

This was one of those matches where having a wide collection of cards helps to win as a couple of these cards I usually never play. It was a pretty fun match and I'm on to the next battle challenge.

Full Battle Replay

Previous Weekly Challenges

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DragonsCrypt BeetleTime Mage
Mycelic MorphoidKulu SwimhunterRadiated Brute
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Chaos KnightGobling PsychicDeeplurker
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Feral SpiritWood NymphSpineback Turtle
Giant RocCentaurDragons
Animated CorpseDefender Of TruthStone Golem
Pirate CaptainGoblin ShamanElven Cutthroat
Dragons ChallengeHaunted SpiderCrystal Jaguar
Centauri MageWave RunnerAnt Miners
Grumpy DwarfDragonsDark Ha'On
Cave SlugBeatrix IronhandElectric Eels
Effreet ElderSand WormRetaliate
ScavengerCerberusCoral Wraith
Minotaur WarriorOctopiderSilvershield Bard
Peaceful GiantFire SpitterNaga Fire Wizard
Naga WarriorMushroom SeerSpineback Wolf
Lone BoatmanFurious ChickenMolten Ogre
Water ElementalStonespitter OrcGrim Reaper
Defender Of TruthEnchanted DefenderDragon Summoner
Exploding DwarfSea MonsterMitica Headhunter
Death ElementalFeral SpiritMantoid
Naga BruteFalemsmithSabre Shark
Earth ElementalScreaming BansheeSilvershield Sheriff
Rusty AndroidScale DoctorSerpent Of The Flame
Pirate ArcherEqualizer ChallegeFlesh Golem
SoulstormWar ChaangKoblod Miner
Captain's GhostChild Of The ForestPhantasm
Silvershield WarriorHorny ToadGloridax Soldier
Tortisian FighterBarking SpiderTwisted Jester
ArmorsmithNo AttackBlast Ability
Sneak AbilityOpportunity AbilityJavelin Thrower
Giant SquidSerpentine SpyGoblin Mech
Nectar Queen Manticore Undead Minotaur
Spark PixiesSerpent Of EldGelatinous Cube


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