Splinterlands | Animated Corpse Challenge

in #crypto3 years ago

One of the older less usesul Splinterlandscards is highlighted this week in the Share Your Battle Challenge. Here is the Animated Corpse.

A card like the Animated Corpse shows how common cards from a card pack set are mostly 'filler cards' that nobody really uses all that match aside from the couple exceptions to this rule. I would say this is not a card anyone really needs as the combination of cost, health damage, speed, and ability. In the extremely rare case of game rules where only cards that cost 4 Mana or less can be used and only the death summoner allowed this one comes in handy. In any other situation, it's not really any good. Make it so that one of the games today had exactly this situation in which I did use the card. This is the result...

Having enough 4 mana cards comes in quite handy with these specific game rules. I played the Animated Corpse as main tank, the Undead Priest which is only a 2 mana card in 2nd place followed by the Venari Bonesmith as one of the new reward cards in 3rd spot. The Parasitic Growth remains quite a useful card and also the combination of the Haunted Spider & Twisted Yester remain quite solid as a backline.

It looks like my opponent had to go with starter set cards which made him leave with no chance in this match.

Full Battle Replay

Previous Weekly Challenges

-Defender Of TruthStone Golem
Pirate CaptainGoblin ShamanElven Cutthroat
Dragons ChallengeHaunted SpiderCrystal Jaguar
Centauri MageWave RunnerAnt Miners
Grumpy DwarfDragonsDark Ha'On
Cave SlugBeatrix IronhandElectric Eels
Effreet ElderSand WormRetaliate
ScavengerCerberusCoral Wraith
Minotaur WarriorOctopiderSilvershield Bard
Peaceful GiantFire SpitterNaga Fire Wizard
Naga WarriorMushroom SeerSpineback Wolf
Lone BoatmanFurious ChickenMolten Ogre
Water ElementalStonespitter OrcGrim Reaper
Defender Of TruthEnchanted DefenderDragon Summoner
Exploding DwarfSea MonsterMitica Headhunter
Death ElementalFeral SpiritMantoid
Naga BruteFalemsmithSabre Shark
Earth ElementalScreaming BansheeSilvershield Sheriff
Rusty AndroidScale DoctorSerpent Of The Flame
Pirate ArcherEqualizer ChallegeFlesh Golem
SoulstormWar ChaangKoblod Miner
Captain's GhostChild Of The ForestPhantasm
Silvershield WarriorHorny ToadGloridax Soldier
Tortisian FighterBarking SpiderTwisted Jester
ArmorsmithNo AttackBlast Ability
Sneak AbilityOpportunity AbilityJavelin Thrower
Giant SquidSerpentine SpyGoblin Mech
Nectar Queen Manticore Undead Minotaur
Spark PixiesSerpent Of EldGelatinous Cube

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