Splinterlands | Accelerated Buying My Chaos Legion Collection!

in #crypto2 years ago

I continue to cost-average my way into buying Chaos Legion Cards in Splinterlands trying to get a competitive Set to compete in the Gold League Modern League. This is a report on the progress I have been making.

So the combination of bots that got flushed out of the system, the crypto bear market, High reward Card Prints, & the SPS airdrop soon to come to an end makes it so that there is far more supply than demand at the moment for Splinterlands Assets. This caused DEC to trade under the Peg at 0.68$ for 1000 DEC which makes it a lot cheaper to get packs and put new cards in circulation. With so many Reward cards in circulation, collection power is also extremely cheap right not at least compared to where it used to be.

All of this is pushing the prices down allowing me to increase the pace that I'm building my Chaos Legion Collection as I do believe there is a lot of growth left in Splinterlands. It's also easy as I have been enjoying the game more also giving entertainment value without a direct need to get a return. I have been taking a bit of profit on older cards that I had stacked from the time they were sold for cheap using those earnings to fund some of the buys now.

Chaos Legion Summoners

I pretty much completed my goal to get all of the Chaos Legion Summoners to Level 5 and having multiple summoners available for the Daily Focus makes life a lot easier also allowing me to earn more reward chests.

Even though Gold League allows Level 6 Summoners, I always have opted for a wider card collection allowing me to choose instead of having higher power cards. The price increase from Level 5 to 6 is really high and it doesn't even make a difference when playing legendary cards.

Kelya Frendul4040100%
General Sloan4040100%
Thaddius Brood4040100%
Quix The Devious66100%

Newly Aquired Card

Once I was done getting the summoners, my focus shifted on the legendary cards especially the ones with high mana as they give a direct benefit in my overall results. Legendary cards also kind of feel cheap given how difficult it is to actually get them from packs. I rather buy a <10$ legendary card directly now instead of buying a pack. They generally are also easy to rent out so I will be looking to get more of them after having a Level 3 copy.

The Grum Flameblade is one of those cards that under the right condition is really powerful. High Mana, Reverse Speed, Melle attak from any position. I'm not sure if I will play him all that much since Fire overall is the weakest Splinter right now.

At 6$, the Uriel The Purifier also seems to be trading at a rather cheap level. I still have to merge it to level 3 which gives 1 extra attack and 1extra health.

I already had 5 Single copies of the Lira The Dark which is a card that I like given the Massive Speed it brings to matches. I did buy a discounted level 3 at once and will be putting the others on the rental market or sell them for hopefully more later down the line as single compared to what I paid for the Level 3.

I had already 6 copies of the Chaos Dragon but now also leveled it up to actually use it in my balltles. I love the creative stats design on this card and it's also the highest mana cost in the game good for the battles where there is a 99 Mana Cap.

The Carnage Titan is just a real powerhouse at level 3 where it gets shield protection. I got 1 of them in the airdrop but didn't want to buy more at 15$+ cost for a single. Since the price dropped to around 8$ I did pull the trigger to just get 5 more and level them up.

I'm glad I didn't fully Buy Grund sooner while single cards were going for 4$+. Below 2$ it made me pull the trigger to buy some more of them and level it up instead of putting singles out on the rental market.

I also bough enough Acid Shooter card for a level 4 but haven't combined them yet. Instead, all of them are being rented out giving up to 18% yearly returns based on the current price.

I also bough and leveled up the Riftwing as I like the creativity of this card. It also tends to work really well in 2nd place on battles were maximum 4 mana cards are allowed. It was also a lot cheaper to where it used to be.

Next Buys

I still have a lot of cards to collect and level up and I wouldn't mind prices staying low or even going bit lower still which by no means is unthinkable as the bottom of DEC was just below 0.4$ for 1000 DEC during the previous cycle. The Queen Mycelia sub 10$ is a card I intend to start buying for sure. I'm also picking up cheap reward cards (See Why I'm Buying Reward Cards) and am leveling up some of the newer reward cards like the Dhampir Inflitrator.


I'm in full accumulation mode again in Splinterlands without really needing to deply fresh capital as I'm using what I'm earning from the game to reinvest along with blogging earnings, Affiliate earnings, Profit taken on older more rare cards, and so on. I do anticipate this period where things are down to last for quite some time for it to eventually turn around creating another adoption hype cycles where demand flips supply causing drastic price increases which will provide a profit-taking opportunity.

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