Tutorials Are My Favorite Type of Content to Make... What's Your's?

in #crypto5 years ago


Hi Friends!

As ya'll know... I make all sorts of random a** content that could range anywhere from crypto related stuff, to free-writes, to ukulele covers. Probably one of my favorite types of content to make is tutorial/walk through videos though. These also seem to be the type of content that "does the best" for me in terms of people being stoked about it and excited to watch. I decided to sit down and think about why this seems to be my favorite type of content and this is what I came up with:

Why Do I Love It?

  • This is often the type of I content I personally consume... so I see the value in it. When I'm trying to figure something out, I'd way rather watch a step-by-step video instead of trying to read through a list of written instructions. Even if those instructions have photos... I'd still take a video any day.

  • I genuinely feel like I'm helping people. The comments I receive on tutorial type videos make my day. When people feel confused or overwhelmed by something and my video is able to make it feel more approachable for them... that's such a good feeling.

  • It forces me to get out of my comfort zone. Do you think I have any idea how to do the things in these videos before I make them? I usually feel slightly overwhelmed by them before I start - which is why I know making a video about it will be helpful because I'm sure I'm not the only one. Instead of giving into that feeling... committing to making a video about it means I actually need to overcome that fear and bumble through and figure it out. It's usually not as scary or intimidating as I thought it would be once I get into it.

Yesterday I made a video tutorial on how to setup and KYC yourself on the Probit Exchange. You check out my tweet about it below if you are interested. 👇🏼


Click HERE

What Is Your Favorite Type of Content to Make and Why?

It's your turn! If you are a content creator - then what is your favorite topic or type of content to make? If you are more of a consumer... then what are some of your favorite types of content to watch/read? I'd love to hear from you guys below!

I think as a content creator - it's super important to evaluate what seems to be working and find the intersection of what you love doing and what the market loves seeing from you. Taking time to stop and think about this stuff can be super valuable.

XO, Lea

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I love how to tutorial videos! I have watched a lot. They allowed me to lay a tile floor without ever having done it before. How to lay a hardwood floor without every having done it before. How to do basic plumbing. So many things! I really appreciate people who take the time to make these type of videos! It's the easiest way for me to learn something new. Much better than trying to learn it from a book. My favourite is writing self-help (actionable advice). But I also enjoy photography, which I have been doinga lot of lately. I also love art. I feel like I should mix it up a bit and explore more, and try out some new stuff.

That's so cool!! It's pretty amazing how much we can teach ourselves these days with a bit of google searching. :)

Photography is such a fun art form to explore! I've been dabbling in it a bit myself lately. :)

I'm really trying to expand my photography beyond just flowers and butterflies, because that seems to be all I take pictures of. Haha! It's so much fun though.

You should make a tutorial that teaches people how to make tutorials.

what is your favorite topic or type of content to make?

I like to write about pinatas.

hahah that's a good idea actually!

Who doesn't love a good pinata?? ;)

Who doesn't love a good pinata??

Apparently everyone! Spend all day on my craft and these people beat my work with sticks!

Tutorials are fun, and I use the internet to learn alllll the things. But I especially like creative content, songs, poetry, short stories...

Posted using Partiko Android

aww hey Sun!! Hope you are doing well. Creative content is so fun too! :)

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