For Newbie In Crypto

in #crypto7 years ago

For Newbies in crypto.

  1. First educate ur self because education is more important then money. If u are not educated u might gain in the short term but lose it all in the long term.

  2. This market is reality and Blockchain is reality now whether u accept it or not but just with any other new technology the early days are volatile so the only way u can survive is by having a deep understanding of the technology or else due to volatility the fear might kick in and u can lose ur money because u guys haven't seen previous crashes of this market.

  3. There are long term investors like Microsoft, IBM and all the major corporations in the world investing in this market but there are also wolves of wall street sitting to take ur money. This is the first time investment in tech companies is not only limited to Sillicon valley and u can be a part of it so make the most out of it.

  4. This market is here to stay and no u haven't miss the boat and u wouldn't either even if u join 6 month late but don't come in until u are educated about the technology as no one can baby sit u and u are on ur own. This market has just started and it will dominate for the next 10 years so don't worry if u missed the bitcoin and ethereum's train because there are many more trains to come.

  5. Protect ur capital and u will make gains if u just show some patience so play like the big boys do. Because the Bitcoin holders didn't made their fortune within a night they made it over the period of 8 years and trust me when i say this Technological wise Bitcoin is nothing compared to some other projects and once the blockchain goes mainstream many new kings will emerge. Stop running after AOL and find the next google and facebook for that matter.

  6. Don't believe those who are telling u just invest in anything and u will become rich because 90% of the startups on blockchain will fail.

Many will rise and many will fall but Blockchain and crypto currencies are here to stay.

Stay Safe !

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 64504.36
ETH 3414.70
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.51