Are we that naïve to believe governments are not privy to crypto?

in #crypto3 years ago


Crypto is a $1.7 trillion asset...and supposedly “nobody knows” where it came from. COVID19 caused trillions in losses from both medical costs and again from lockdown losses...and supposedly “nobody knows” where it came from.

I’m stunned by the tendency of the vast majority to have a cow-like acceptance of these supposed mysteries.

Do you really and truly think that not one government on earth out of 215 knows where Bitcoin and all these cryptocurrencies came from?

Do you really and truly think that not one government on earth knows where SARS-CoV-2 came from?

All the directors of national intelligence should resign if this the case, but for the most part, they have not.

If one or more countries knows this, why aren’t they telling?

And why do they ALL lie about the population stats of the Peoples Republic of China? Do you really think that 1.35 billion number is true, just because it’s in the oxymoronic CIA Factbook, carefully checked by the comically named CIA fact-checkers?

Do you really think it's random chance that COVID19 could sweep the earth just in time to help drive Trump from office, then magically and then the US and virtually all other nations daily hospitalization numbers would fall from the week Joe Biden was inaugurated?

Do you really think cryptocurrencies are decentralized and that they've reached $1.7 trillion in value today with governments fighting against them?

I wonder how people can function given heads that can be filled with nonsensical beliefs, supposed mysteries, and false information even about such basic things like population statistics.

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