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RE: Corporate America's Blockchain and Crypto Fever may be over

in #crypto6 years ago

The trouble with looking at anything from "corporate world" is that they are all jargon and no substance. Buzzword Bingo is one of example of playing on this boardroom bullshit.

Now, about the use cases... There are tons of use cases, however, what "corporate world" tries to do is just repackage existing brands to keep up with the buzzwords. And so, most of the projects i heard from corporate land were nothing-burgers. At most, just a way to outsource their database support.

However, the real movement has not died down. Lots more job offers in the field of blockchain are being sent out.

And, cryptocurrency has its biggest hurdle still in front of it. It needs to get to the early adopter stage. Right now, only innovators are really looking at it. And there is a GIANT gap between the hype on one side and the actual adoption on the other. So, we could see this whole thing implode. It has happened before.

However, cryptos are just that much better than fiat, that i believe they will hit ignition. And that now we are at the bottom of the market. Prepare for the fake rise, before the real rise.


I agree with a lot of this. In regards to which cryptos will survive and eventually rise again, where does steem fit in?

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