Ups and Downs of Crypto Markets

in #crypto6 years ago

Came across this see-saw, reminded me of the ups and downs of the crypto markets. What goes up must come down, what goes down must go up, until we reach balance and an equilibrium has been established. Can you stay up longer than you can stay down?

Enjoy it while it lasts :]



Very interesting analogy, is important to be safe in the up and downs so you cant leave the ride and get hurt
Thanks for sharing

Stay safe out there in cryptoland, no one can predict it

Congratulations @bottymcbotface! This post has been randomly Resteemed! For a chance to get more of your content Follow @Resteemers

For future viewers: price of bitcoin at the moment of posting is 9081.10USD

It's been a bloodbath this week! The uptrend must be happening soon! :)

good post. balance must be there but we must be patient, when will the balance arrive.

Your guess is as good as mine

Awesome ☺️Just wow

More weeeee and whatttttt lately

Hi, old friend. Hope u still remember me. I still remember your message, when I joined in this amazing platform. Nice to see your post, tonight. 😊🙏

Good day to you sir!

Thank you so much. Good day to you too @bottymcbotface :)

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STEEM 0.18
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JST 0.030
BTC 58659.71
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.43