How Cryptocurrency Has Helped Me

in #crypto5 years ago


My first contact with cryptocurrency came from @cryptoskate on steemit, he introduced me in the little way he can to blockchain, cryptocurrency and the likes. Though I didn't take it that serious by the end of 2017. By the new year I made a resolution to learn more, so I opened up. Waoh, I never knew such a thing as this exist and it has not only broke my pot of ignorance it has done more than that.

  1. Cryptocurrency has brought me close to latest information in the world, through Bitcoin talk, steemit (most especially) whaleshares, Medium, and many more. I find creative and mind blowing content that upgraded my academic, finance and all round view of life. Blockchain isn't censored, so, you get a first hand information of whatever is happening somewhere.

  2. Cryptocurrency has provided for my basic amenities : Yes, from airdrops, blog and earn sites like Steemit and whaleshares. I've been able to sustain myself and become financially independent enough to empower others too. Cryptocurrency has showed me other means too of making money online and helped me to know which one is a scam and which one is not.

  3. Cryptocurrrency has made me interact with more people in reality than any other social media platform. : Knowing those behind the account is cool, seeing them do the normal thing you and I use to do is amazing. Discord group has made it more fun to hear the voice of the man or woman behind the account and interact with them. Thereby bridging the gap of cultural differences and distance.

  4. Cryptocurrency has given me the glimpse of what the future looks like: The best way to know the new revolution that is going to make wave in the next few years is by following the trend of cryptocurrency and the Blockchain at large. It very important to know this that Blockchain has set the trend for what is coming next.

  5. Cryptocurrency has alleviate poverty and provide a sustainable way of living for me: Being a blogger and a farmer, cryptocurrency has not only provided for my basic amenities but also made me a sustainable person.

    This post can also be found HERE


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