Facebook Cryptocurrency News Share Group - Join Today!
I've begun a Cryptocurrency News Sharing Group On Facebook! This will compliment my Steemit activities, as well as be a great place to begin to enrich the community and lead them here. There are a lot of unreached users on Facebook that would be overjoyed to discover a platform like this or to learn about the next big thing from you. Anyone is free to join and you can bring up topics and begin discussions about Cryptocurrency and any news surrounding this. Join and share with your friends; invite your friends. It is just a great, reserved space solely for Cryptocurrency News Discussions.

I've joined your group on Facebook! Let's get the dirty talk down on cryptos. Lol.
i have tried to joined your group, but group is hidden. i have also write article for newbies.
Go ahead and try again; sorry, just started it. Good now :)
yes. its working now. thanks
liked and followed, think it's a good idea, and i myself would love to learn more about crypto
As always im in friend
Would surely join the group @biddle really you will guide and motivate many new users... Hope you carry this good work proud of you!!
Thanks I am joining this now
May have been hidden a moment ago; all set now though. :)
Good job. I affricate your activities. Facebook news great idea.
Okk great work, I will join your groupe and i will share it with my friends
Thanks, please do! :)
Suuuuure don't worry.
Of course i will join