My experience with Cryptomedication / Crypto Analysis and Research, aka Josh Gordon aka Peter Mercury, aka James Edwards and how I lost my Ethereum (updated)

in #crypto6 years ago

And now, apparently, aka Bobby Fisher. But more on that later.

Sometimes, the truth just supersedes fiction.

Unless you have been living under a rock the last years, you have certainly heard of Bitcoin. Maybe you have also heard about Initial Coin Offerings, (ICOs), cryptocurrencies, FOMO, HODL and people becoming rich “overnight”.


In this awesome space of cryptocurrencies, everybody seems to be out to make a quick buck, and good projects that may change our future seems harder and harder to find, as people with bad intentions run away with peoples money, while the latter is holding worthless tokens.

While early 2017 saw a handful of ICOs, the rest of the year was flooded with Initial Coin Offerings, and it seems to continue to this day. In this flood of crypto, and flow of information, its sometimes useful to have friends and experts help you sift through it all. What has been lacking has been points of info, a help desk of sorts, that weed away all the useless projects and info and maybe also provide great Technical Analysis (TA) on bitcoin and alternative coins (Altcoins)

Enter CryptoMedication. A brand started by a man calling himself Peter Mercury, but has since also used the names “James Edwards” and “Josh Gordon”. A channel first created in the App called “Telegram” He attracted users for a long time by providing free Technical Analysis for Bitcoin and altcoins by sharing them online.

He also offered paid reviews of ICOs and projects, so I thought, hey! this might be the guy to help me analyse this project Im interested in….

Big mistake :-(

Little did I know that I would lose my hard earned Ethereum at that point.

Having already participated in the ICO, I was considering investing more, as the team of had exceeded their goals and lay ahead of their roadmap. Maybe this was the time to invest more in this project?

I decided to put Josh Gordon aka Peter Mercury aka James Edwards, Cryptomedication himself! on the case, as I thought he would perform a professional research and analysis:



So we agreed upon 2 ETH for a thorough review. And also, notice at the time of the screenshot, he changed his name again, now to Bobby Fisher. Is he trying to cover his tracks? why would he do this?



July 13, 2018. He promises on his life he will be done in 24hours. A little dramatic in my eyes, as I was not in a rush as I stated further up. No need to pretend you are sacrificing yourself if the deadline is not met. July 15, 2018 he claims he is “done” without explaining the “” any further.


I was under the impression the article was done, and transferred the Ether:


So he clearly states this is not the final [article] and that he has some questions with the team and the understanding is that that information will be added later.

He also states he will be liasing with the team. I didnt understand at the time what he meant by that, but I suspected he had talked to them about writing an article on them for a fee, so he could sort of get double the payment for the same article that way.

That latter proved to be the case. He wanted to get paid twice, for the same article. Some may call that unprofessional, unfair or even unrighteus way of doing business. I didnt like it when i realized later on, but I let it slide.

I started to read the article and was shocked to see it was not finished at all. It resembled more of a mock-up of some sorts, completely void of any deeper research and testing of the spectre platform as was promised.

The unfinished, unpublished article, the crux of the matter:

Spectre Review

A PDF copy, incase the article goes offline (coming)

I was quite disapointed, as i expected a review of the platform, and concluding remarks, but there were none. I returned to make sure there was more on the way:


Peter is super positive about spectre, and all is fine. Hes also confirming he will add more later. So at this point I could only wait. Little did I know that things were brewing behind the scenes.

He had engaged with the team and tried to get as much info as he could. They were willing to show him what he wanted, but had to sign an NDA first. He was unwilling. He also wanted to review the closed source code for the heart of the Spectre system, the DALP. The DALP being expensive Interlectual Property (IP) its not something Spectre could release open-source. There was a lot of correspondence between the parties at this point wich I have excluded for the sake of clarity and to keep this article as short as possible.

But whatever was brewing between Peter Mercury and the Spectre team was something I was not aware of at this point. I was waiting for the final article, and again had to poke him:


He presented his Medium page wich has now been taken down. Shortly after that, things went from bad to worse:


Without providing me full explanation, he claimed that they were disrespectful, and because of that, he would “expose” them, while admitting himself that there was nothing to expose. As if he said that, just to get them angry. Why? Who does that? How can mr. Cryptomedication be that childish and unprofessional?

Without proof he continues to claim they were unprofessional, while clearly he is the one to blame:


Pete: “I told him to calm the fuck down”
Really? all the while Spectre staff were polite and courteus, according to his own screenshots?
At this point, I realized the article is not going to be finished, and that Pete comes across as someone with Bipolar temper and anger management problems. Who in their right mind takes on a job and proceedes to tell the employer to calm the fuck down, when there is no reason to do so?
His next messages got me curious:


I was dissappointed about the developments and upset that the article I paid for, would never happen now. Knowing Petes temper now, I also realized asking for my 2 ETH back would be futile at this point, so I decided to wait with that. But I chose to calm myself down, because these allegations were serious, and I wanted to get as much info out of Pete as possible. I didnt want to push him away with my own outburst at this point, so I chose to bite my tongue for now.

Did spectre try to rob him of his money? I went over to the Spectre chat to investigate myself. And there, the admins had secured their own screenshots of what went on:




The person in charge of payment had left for the day, and Peter was asked to wait until the next day, 12–24 hours maximum.
But no:


So because payment were not done immediately when Pete snapped his fingers, he decides to blast them and try to destroy the reputation of What? Who behaves like that?
I tried to calm him down:


Hes got some attitude, no doubt about that. I further tell him to chill in a nice way, but:


Who is overdramatic here? whatever happened to normal conversation? Since he was probably on keyboard, and I was on mobile, There was no time to answer his messages, they were just flooding in, and he was clearly exasperated. chill dude.
Pete: “Did I snap on you?”
well not yet, but he was soon about to.
His flood of messages pause for a few hours, when suddenly he hits me these:


Now suddenly he is “Josh Gordon”
The twitter link in the above screenshot goes to this article:

CryptoMedicated | James Edwards and Chayleh Tracey FRAUD EXPOSED | PICTURE PROOF - Steemit
What people don't know is James's previous EXIT SCAMS, he's racist, buying followers/likes and retweets on his twitter…
I dont know who produced the above Steemit article, but its an interesting read nonetheless. Peter, or James or Josh? continues:


He continues his barrage of acusations and finger pointing. The post he is referring to i assume is the steemit article that someone posted. (not me)

I never verbally attacked him once, yet he is spewing 4 letter words on me like I badly insulted him somehow. I actually hired and paid Peter Mercury 2 ETH for an article that was never finished or published in his channels! And after how he treated staff, he is certainly not capable to finish any article objectively. And now Im treated like this? What the F?


Paranoid much?

The tweet he is referring to is the tweet with link to the Steemit article, exposing James Edwards as an online scammer and con artist.


Not really actually. lol. Admitting that Josh/Joshua is not really his name. Yawn.

Further on, he tries to get personal, while complaining about the steemit article someone posted about James Edwards and a relative of his called Chayleh Tracey.


He claims I am or will lie about not recieving a finished, published article according to the agreement in the beginning of the thread:


I tried to end it all there, because his ramblings were meaningless and desperate. He was clearly not able to listen to what i had to say. He continues to claim he delivered when he clearly has not.

Finally it all ends here:


So readers, you tell me. was the article at the top complete? No?

Was it published in his channel with a fair review? clearly not. And neither can it, after all this drama.

What would you call someone who says one thing, but does another?
A hypocrite?

What would you call someone who blame all others but refuse to take responsibilities for their own actions? Childish ? Immature?

What would you call someone who steals other peoples money or crypto?
A Thief?

What would you call someone who snaps, and yells and curses others for little or no reason?
Mentally unstable?

Is this how an employee should treat an employer? Is this how a business owner should treat his clients and customers? Where can I complain?

Nowhere I guess. Except posting the history online for everyone to see.

The person in the video in the twitter link above claims to be the owner of Cryptomedication, whatever his name is. Peter Mercury, James Edwards, Josh Gordon, Bobby Fisher. take your pick.

After seeing how this man treats his fellow human beings, would you do business with him? would you pay him anything? Would you be associated with such a person who blasts anyone and everyone for petty details?

Personally, I think hes got some mental challenges. ADHD, anger management problems? i dont know. Peter, or whats your name again? If you ever read this without fuming out your ears or popping a vein somewhere. Please get some help man. And I mean that seriously.

[Update] 29.july, 2018: Cryptomedication is apparently re-branding to “Crypto Analysis and Research”. Also, he has put out the Spectre article on Steemit, albeit only half-finished. I still claim I haven’t got my 2 ETHs worth of analysis of this project.

Besides all that, I fell pity for the projects that may be contacted by this guy in the future, if he continues to grow his “business”. Everybody should know he might make absurd demands in exchange for good publicity, “or else…”
Please link and spread this article so that people knows how he behaves behind the scenes, thank you.

[Update] 03. of august 2018: Cryptomedication has undergone rebranding several times now, and he seems to constantly be changing his name and brandnames in his different channels:

Cryptomedication -> Hashitout -> Crypto Analysis and Research
The Dayli Dose -> ZeroNoncense
James Edwards -> Pete Mercury -> Bobby Fisher -> Josh Gordon -> Merkle Trader

Be aware that this man is a scammer and a con artist who blackmails cryptoprojects by bad mouthing them unless they pay up and dance to his tune.


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