"The big financial collapse" is planned for next year

in #crypto7 years ago

 We are in  different ways in the end times and the coming end of the biggest  financial bubble ever in human history is part of it.

Everything we see as "economic and financial developments" are planned steps by the elite to the long-awaited New World Order.

We look at the events in this world as events in all different countries with corresponding authorities. All that is only game to disguise the actual course of events.

Our  government does not rule our country, the reign of the population  happens behind the scenes where the real rulers find themselves. If you want to know who has the power, then you do not have to look any further than to see who controls the money.

Whoever has control over the money has the power and that is not government. 

 Via  the central bank of the central banks, the BIS, the Bank for  International Settlements, the traces lead to the ultimate world control  and we arrive at the colleagues of the Rothschild, the Sabbatan, also  known as the Sekt of the All-See Eye.

They  are masters of long-term planning, and so it is that through one of  their publications, the famous Economist, they let us know in 1988 what  we can expect.

In January 1988 the front page of the Economist looked like this: 

 The article in the Economist in 1988 began as follows:

In  30 years' time, Americans, Japanese, Europeans and people will pay  their groceries in the same currency in many other rich traders and  probably also from a number of relatively poor countries. Prices will be indicated not in dollars, yens or German marks, but let's say the Phoenix. The Phoenix will be the preferred currency for companies and shoppers  because it will be much easier than the current national currencies,  which at that time will be seen as a strange obstacle that caused many  disruptions in the economic life of the twentieth century.

You actually see all the elements that we are dealing with now. The old money goes up in flames and from the ashes rises the Phoenix.

We wrote about the Phoenix before:

The Phoenix or Phoenix bird is a symbol of Lucifer. This bird destroys itself in flames and then rises again from the ashes. The occult meaning of the Phoenix is ​​that it is a symbol of Lucifer  who was fired out of the sky in flames, but who, like his followers,  will once again triumphantly rise on a good or bad day.

It  is not for nothing that the old money looks like cash banknotes and the  new Phoenix (Phoenix on Dutch) looks suspiciously like the current  Bitcoin. 

 The new Phoenix will almost certainly be based on blockchain  technology as it is now used for cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and  others.

It  is not for nothing that the former chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben  Bernanke, is one of the main promoters of the new blockchain  technology. It is not for nothing that large banks in the background are already  heavily investing in this technology and it is not for nothing that  large companies like Amazon are busy to accept crypto currencies as  payment.

But, before the new world currency, the digital Phoenix, will be a fact, the old system will be destroyed first.

The  foundations for this collapse are being laid at the moment and when we  assume the Economist's prediction, next year is the moment when the  collapse will take place and the new Phoenix will be born under the  motto: this must never happen again ( that financial collapse).

After  the last financial crisis, some ten years ago, the economy has never  really recovered, but artificially blocked on all sides via the central  banks that have brought insane amounts of cheap money into the system. This under the heading: stimulating the economy.

Meanwhile, this cheap money and the manipulation of the stock  exchanges has ensured that we live in one of the biggest soap bubbles  ever.

Now  you see everywhere in the world, seemingly independent of each other,  that central banks stop stimulating the economy and are slowly but  surely starting to raise interest rates. The Bank of England raised interest rates last week, the Federal Reserve has already hinted to do the same in December. And with us the ECB is busy preparing the population that they too will raise interest rates. The Bank of Japan also makes similar noises.

Of course, these are not independent decisions taken by the central  banks, it is done on behalf of the BIS and is part of the preparation  for the coming (planned) collapse.

Look closely at the Economist picture. They give us clear messages and the thirty years that they talk about are over next year. Look at all the money that goes up in flames and that is a clear  message to everyone that the fiat money that is based on hot air will  not be worth anything anymore.

The people who have listened to us and who have purchased gold or silver will be those who have fixed, physical currencies. Only  now you have to be very careful where you buy it, because even if you  think that gold buys, then it can still be false as shown in this  article that we received from a reader (thanks!). Therefore, only buy at a trusted address and for us it is.

The collapse is coming, that much is certain. The elite work according to a certain schedule and although sometimes  things can turn out, you can generally assume that the timeline they use  will be reasonably correct with the final actions.

You do not have to be an economist to realize that the current system is on its last legs. You  do not have to be a rocket scientist to understand that the elite will  naturally intervene and that Bitcoins and the countless other  cryptocurrencies will be replaced by the Phoenix they control (or  whatever name they will give this digimunt). Did you really think that the Sabbatans would watch as financial things happen outside of their control? 




wow amezing

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