Someone is using my name and photos fraudulently - Keep alert💡

in #crypto6 years ago


Identity theft is at an all-time high thanks to social media. Anybody can download a photo profile from the Internet and use it to commit fraud under your name, yes that is my case.

During the past couple weeks some users have been messaging through Facebook and they think I'm asking for crypto as an investment. At first I thought It was a joke, then I started to receive more messages from random users, so I did my research and I found out that somebody is obsessed with my photos and my lifestyle.

This person has opened multiples accounts on Facebook, Instagram and an app call "WeChat" using my photos and asking Bitcoin to the users as a investment. I just want you to know that I would NEVER ask money or Bitcoin from anybody as an investment.

Please be careful out there.

Gente, alguien ha estado utilizando mis fotos, bajo diferentes nombres en las redes sociales para pedir inversiones en Bitcoin. Si por casualidad vez algún mensaje extraño de una persona que utiliza mis fotos, por favor avísame.







Me despido por el momento, nos vemos en mi próximo post.😘💋

No olvides seguir mi blog y redes sociales:



Thanks for information i will be alert.

On the bright side It shows you get peoples attention! Also that you are reconizable in the crypto space...
Unfortunately their are many scammers and many fish. Im am neither.
Good job honestly informing everyone...
I only check you out here on Steemit.😁

I agree, I always see the positive in every situation. Thanks for your comment. Cheers @billmega ;)

OMG this is really bad these scammers never leave a chance to cheat innocent people. Everytime everyone have to use their mind and contact official accounts about asking the tirth. Thanks for sharing.

Yeap, my job is to inform people, however the users need to do their research before to invest in something. Cheers @steem0

Omg @anahilarski que mala onda eso... Lamentó que te haya pasado esto. Es importante que denuncies todas estas cuentas en las redes sociales / páginas respectivas.
Abrazo de luz, amiga 💐😘💟

Fueron denunciadas amiga, sin embargo no se si eso detendra a la persona obsesionada con mis fotos. Lo unico que puedo hacer por el momento es seguir denunciando cada cuenta nueva que aparezca, aunque la parte mas fastidiosa es tener que leer dichos mensajes. @danilamarilu ;)

Ugh, que cosa !
Siento mucho que estés lidiando con esta situación.
Espero todo mejore, bella!!!
Saludos de parte de @ballinconscious & mía.

Madam, please handover this man to police.

I've seen that Randy uses the header images to put all his links on. Maybe you could do that and add a warning that those are your ONLY accounts.
May be worth considering watermarking your images also from now on.
I've got an impersonator of my own and it's super frustrating, I know.
Hope that helps!

Yeap, that makes sense. I used to put my watermark but then I stopped doing it. it's time to do it again. Thanks for the comment. @ashr ;)

People really have not shame! You must find them !

So sorry to read what's happen to you. I hate scammers, they are really bad people!!! :(

I'm sorry to hear that.
I believe it was your husband that first welcomed me to steemit many moons ago. I just recovered this old acct and smiled when I saw Hilarski. but the smile quickly vanished when I saw what your story was about. Good thing at least you caught it.

-Here's to making calamari out of these catfish.

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