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RE: The Flip Side: Why Facebook's Ban On Cryptocurrency Marketing Might Just Be A GOOD Thing... (Part TWO)

in #crypto6 years ago

At first the news was misinterpreted, and they talked about Facebook going to ban the news related to bitcoin and cryptocurrencies ... but in reality all they want to ban are the false news or fake scam websites that take advantage of people, or at least it is what I understood ...

Every day that Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies pass is more present in the rest of social networks, television and media.

We are fortunate to belong to Steemit that great social network that for many is the future and for us it is the present.


Advertising ban. On Facebook Ads.

Well, the good thing is crypto won't have its image stained by vaporware ICOs and scammers trying to pull off Bitconnect clones and high yield investment programs.

On the other hand, who in Facebook decides what is a scam and what is an opportunity.

How much money would you bet that Steem would be considered a scam by Facebook?


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