Bitcoin gift wedding

in #crypto6 years ago

When Prashanta Sharma and the policy were planning a marriage, the idea of ​​doing something new came to their mind. This pair is a startup entrepreneur in Bangalore. As a result, most of their friends are related to technology.

Prashanta Sharma said, "We wanted to start using the technology because of giving gifts. After explaining to parents, they also agreed.

This couple's wedding took place on December 9, 2017. Of the nearly 200 guests invited to the wedding, only 15 were presented on perpetuity. The couple received gifts from the rest of the couple, Bitcoin worth Rs. 1 lakh.

Bitcoin, an invited guest, told the BBC, 'The system is good.' The system is good. I am sure that the acceptability of this will increase further. Although the governments of different countries are not able to like it now.

Not particularly worried about the suspicion about the price of Bitcoin recently. His commentary, he is more interested in seeing how far this bitecane technology goes. Specifically, he said, "Bitcoin is not the only issue. The main thing is the blockchain technology. This technology is so prominent that it can not be banned.

Bitcoin cryptoconfiction system has been developed based on block chain technology. Through this, digital transactions, reconciliation and contractual information are stored. According to many banks, this technology can change the future of financial exchange system.

In response to Bitcoin as a gift to the marriage, the couple will sell their available Bitcoin and help in the education of deprived children.

Bitcoin is a cryptococarbon that has no control over the country. The popularity of this currency, which is made in computer and kept in computer, is increasing rapidly. Although it is generally impossible to find out the transaction information, the government still does not validate the cryptokernancy.


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