in #crypto6 years ago (edited)

CASPIAN : An institutional grade Crypto Trading Platform


Digital economy and blockchains have bow become very essential part for the world's economy. The digital assets market is growing quite rapidly. This growth is due to the many benefits offered on various platforms. Digital asset on a daily basis averages trading volume of over 18billion USD and a market cap exceeding 325billion dollars. It still has a lot of potentials yet to be explored and this is owing to the unavailability of the right tools. The market may be big and growing bigger but with great size comes great complexities. Problems ranging from slow responses to orders , record keeping methods prone to errors, lack of back up systems in the event of a main system failure. One very major problem is the issue of #FRAGMETATION. The blockchain exists to enable user have full control of their assets. To achieve this, keys are provided to the user which are unique to that user and his services. The keys become the user identity. But in the case where the keys are fragmented (for security reasons) it becomes very difficult to keep track. Let's have an analogy of how fragmentation is a problem.


Mr. James has a house that has 7keys for the 7days of the week. He alone knows which key opens his house on Monday ornsny other day. But he has other houses in 7 other cities. That's too may keys to keep track of. He doesn't know which key opens the house in Vegas on a Saturday poker night.


The same thing applies for trading platform. Different portfolio are hard to keep track of.
Other shortcomings of current systems include:


most exchange and digital asset platform usually start out very small and when the market grows , they are unable to handle the operations thus leading to a halt in operations.

Trade Records:

As the market grows so does records and logs activities. Traders who want to manage their multiple assets have to device their means of keeping records. But they can only do so much. Their system may be prone to error. Institutions already providing auditing solutions will find it difficult to keep track of a client's multiple asset across various digital asset platforms. These institutions need to provide their client with vital information such as : liquidity and return but cannot do so due to the multiple nature of the client's portfolio.


The system are susceptible to attack or failures and there are insufficient or no measures to control it.

These shortcomings are not in any way appealing to the eyes of someone who wants to join the digital asset world. To create a formidable solution, CASPIAN stepped into the scene.



Caspian is a system aimed solvong the problems faced by current digital assets trading platforms. They will be providing "high grade connectivity and interoperability across several exchanges." It is a joint corporation of TORA and KENETIC who already are formidable forces in the digital asset sphere.
Caspian will be providing a large scale digital asset management system where all information, orders , positions of various platforms are presented under a single platform. It is a wise step in the revolutionizing of digital asset management.


Caspian's solution to trade and execution problems.

[1] No Limits:
A single user can decide to own various digital assets and to do this he has to be on various platforms to manage these assets. Caspian will offer him the ability to efficiently manage any asset type on a single platform.

[2] Trade Tracking:
for a user who does a lot of trading on digital assets, Caspian will offer a record tracking system like never before. The user will not have to maintain complex spreadsheet of his multiple trades. Since the platforms "pools" these other exchanges together , firms and institutions already into digital asset solution can also be integrated to Caspian to enable them give their clients the best user experience.

[3] API:
Just like the stock exchange people have to study trades how things appreciate or depreciate; before they make decision. Caspian will offer specific trade information that will enable users make informed decision. The user can also monitor his order from initiation to completion.

[4] Control :
The essence of blockchain is to give users full control over their assets. The Caspian #smart-order-router (SOR) ensures fast and efficient transactions by simultaneously sending orders to several exchanges using certain priorities.
The user can configure alerts on the system to pop up or come as mail when a certain user determined trade condition is met. The users can user different parameters on the platform.

A case would be a trader sets a condition to receive an alert for a given digital asset when the asset depreciates by 5%. If the condition is met, the trader goes ahead with the trade.

This is an important benefit to the user since he does not have to manually track the rate of depreciation of the asset o execute the trade.



Record tracking on Caspian is in perpetuity. The records may grow due to activities of the trader but the trader can still get a full view of all trades either in real time or historically.

[1] Reconciliation:
Every trade requires a counterparty to achieve completion. Every buyer has a seller in lay man's terms. Due to the difficulties in monitoring multiple assets/portfolios counterparties are unable to scrutinize a trade. But with the Caspian record keeping system, they can have a detailed view of the user record of trade at a glance. This will ensure that the trades go as planned.

[2] Allocation Engine:
As a user hoping to burdened with the problem of handling multiple orders, it is now a thing of the past. Caspian allocation engine will offer him a means to handle all trade in a single order and the intricacies of distribution of outcomes to respective units will be handled by the engine.



Compliance Engine: this engine is a frame work with very "low latency and extensive functionality." Limits can be viewed by a trader before the order is executed. Upon completion of the order the user gets a notification in real time or a mail.
The limits are of 3 kinds:

  • Warning: this is a warning indicating that a specific rule is about to be broken.
  • Approval: A password is required to override this alert.
  • Absolute: this is immutable alert.



This provides the user with snapshots of audits and trade files that will enable him have a graphical representation of his trading activities.



[1] Architecture

  • Caspian will be cloud based and this is means users can access it from almost anywhere in the world.

  • Its plug and play feature will enable new services be integrated easily onto it.

  • Ensures data security from point or transmission to delivery.

[2] Scalability:
Caspian is ensuring that data and communication will make use of two distinct channels. This is called partitioning. Certain instances may be too great for a partition to handle and could cause a break down. But Caspian has an automated partitioning that ensures that when an instance becomes to great for a partition is repartitioned.
This is good because the system can grow in size without having to worry about system crashes or failures due to overloading.

[3] Performance:

  • Caspian will handle very large data at low latency. Little or no delays in response.
  • 50,000 orders, 400,000 executions per day per user.
  • Throughput of 2500 orders per second.

[4] Reliability

  • Caspian system has no point of failure. This is because there are back up instance ready to take over in the event of an instance failure. This is good because the trading activity is in no way affected.

  • Caspian will make sure that the best guy for the job does the job. The system will pass requests only gateway instances that is best suited for the job.

  • The growth rate of digital assets can no be overlooked. The market is growing as well as changing. This is why to keep up with the "modifications" that may arise, the Caspian system does a self check and report to the developers in order for them to make proprietary changes or updates. You can say it is some what self adapting

  • Systems are bound to fail at some point even the strongest of them. Should the cloud system of Caspian fail, there is a backup cloud that is updated as trade goes on , on the main cloud.

[5] Security:
Security is very key on any platform. Caspian is making sure that their system's channels are encrypted and they will be using the Two Factor Authorization (TFA). This is a means of verifying users with something more than a user name and password.

A mail example:

A user trying to get access to his mail on a new device after typing in the password and username, will be asked to provide some sort of validation. The mail service can send a code to the phone line he used during registration just to ensure that the rightful user is the one trying to access the mail.

With this kind of security measure it will be cumbersome to break into a user account on the Caspian system.



Third party developers will be greatly rewarded on the platform. The rewards come in options.

  • Sale of Usage of Application: Users subscribe to using by paying a subscription fee which would be determined solely by the developers. Although, a portion of the fee will go to Caspian for hosting the developers.
  • Applications to token stakers: The application can be offered to token stakers and a stake is specified by the developer. Once the stakers place their stakes , they now have access to use the apps. This is what Caspian means by #FreeApp.
    For development purposes on the ecosystem, using the stake scenario, will provide a way for users yo get a feel of the application by placing stakes and if they like it, they can move ahead to subscribe to it.


  • The token is Caspian token (CSP) ERC-20 compliant token
  • it is to create a rich participatory ecosystem where users can get rewarded and become community members.

It should be noted that the token is not required to gain access to the platform's basic services. However for a unique service , there will be demand for the token.

Token Utility

[1] User-platform : users can combine discounts rewarded them to offset the platform's fees.

[2] User-to-user: the system rewards #developers who offer their applicatios for free.

Caspian Bounties

  • Developers: incentives will be given to developers to build a more stable and efficient infrastructure or plugin to append to the Caspian system. Change is inevitable so the developers must be on ground to ensure that Caspian keep up with changes and provide their clients and users the best services.
  • Community: Users get a chance to decide on which particular application they would need to be on the platform.

how Caspian will help adoption of crypto.

  1. There are no limits to the digital asset types you can trade.
  2. All trade information on all digital asset and exchange platform on one pool to enable user make informed decision.
  3. Third party developers can easily integrate with much ease.
  4. With the automated partitioning the Caspian platform can grow without worrying about breaking down.

benefits to individual and firms

  1. Users will now have a proper, detailed and error-free record of their trades.
  2. Firms will have a better means of managing their clients' records without stress since every digital asset will be on one platform.
  3. Users will be able to decide what applications PR add-on can be added to the system to meet their needs through a voting system.



Meet members of the Team


Here is my animation for the system CASPIAN

For resourceful information:


For more information on the contest CASPIAN organized by @originalworks visit here

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i think it is a good plateform....

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