Bitget announced its AI-powered KYC verification with Sumsub

in #crypto3 months ago

Bitget, a leading cryptocurrency exchange, has partnered with Sumsub to implement AI-powered Know Your Customer (KYC) verification, addressing the rising threat of deepfakes in the crypto sector. This initiative aims to safeguard users' assets against sophisticated identity fraud, which has seen a 217% increase in the crypto industry from Q1 2023 to Q1 2024.

The collaboration enhances Bitget's security measures, demonstrating the exchange's commitment to user protection. Gracy Chen, a Bitget representative, emphasized the need for new industry safety standards and protocols to combat this threat.

Bitget's proactive approach includes keeping users informed about potential security risks, such as recent alerts regarding malicious browser extensions. This partnership reinforces Bitget's position as an innovative, user-focused centralized exchange prioritizing asset safety in the evolving crypto landscape.

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