DenCity(DXN)-Blockchain Supports Artificial Intelligent and Virtual Platform

in #crypto6 years ago

Have you known an AI and VR experience that enables by blockchain system? This is about it. In any virtual world that exists today, users are compensated with virtual tokens which don't generally mean anything outside the gaming framework. Assume you have been an extremely active player of FIFA 18 and you have an elegant line-up, which conveys colossal incentive inside the EA Sports' FIFA framework and its groups yet outside that foundation, it can't get you anything. Every second spent in the game leaves these gamers with virtual merchandise. These merchandises could be new coins, new features or in-game gear which holdthe enormous incentive in the gaming scene. Shockingly, these benefits are of no benefit in the outside world making it of no utilization to the player. Dencity has come up with a platform where individuals can come and move toward becoming who they aspired to be, the characterize their way of life and guidelines as indicated by them.
Dencity is an EthereumBlockchain and AI-fuelled metaverse that gives you an engaging and immersive VR experience and gives you a chance to build a universe of your own. A client won't just have the capacity to investigate, learn and make an existence of his/her decision as per this present reality norms yet additionally gain tokens that will be useful in the present reality. In DenCity, you start your life as an ordinary individual with a place and an occupation of your decision. When you are set, you can do what you wish to do in DenCity and you can begin pitching your services to different inhabitants in DenCity or you can begin your very own venture.
DenCity(DXN)-Key Fetures
Earn in Meta Life and Spend in Real Life
To encourage financial operations in Dencity, DNX token will be the essential medium of trade. Alongside payment of merchandise and services in Dencity, these DNX tokens will be of same nature as different cryptographic forms of money
Governance that Decentralized
To encourage decentralized governance in Dencity, we have presented a CASTX convention where every occupant will be assigned with an equal number of CST tokens from the client's present holding of DNX tokens. These CST will dependably be created and auto-credited if there should be an occurrence of a voting/election occasion and once that occasion is over the unused tokens will be naturally destroyed.

Social Capital
A great deal of new games has started to fuse the web-based social networking highlight making it feasible for individuals to play with companions. Be that as it may, in doing so a substantial number of game makers have paved the way for these online networking platforms to track ourgaming habits too. We have made it feasible for individuals to come and associate in Dencity. You can make friends, go out to social gatherings and create communities with individuals here. The significant differentiator here is that the greater part of your information is coded and is in safe hands with just you, the proprietor.
Economic Framework
Economic frameworks are the methods by which nations and governments allocate assets and exchange goods and services. With the non-appearance of a government in Dencity, the general population is the empowering influence of all the financial action. DNX token is a standard ERC20 token and is the main medium of payments in Dencity. It is a shared money with no national bank controlling it. For a player to enter in Dencity, he/she should have a base number of DNX tokens. The pivotal element of DNX tokens is that they will be useful in both genuine and virtual world. In genuine universes, the exchange of cash is encouraged through cryptocurrency exchanges.
Modeling with Emotion
In Dencity, the players will experience a variety of feelings from satisfaction to misery, from appreciation to rudeness, we anticipate that the players will encounter a scope of feelings the amid their everyday lives. To ensure that successful communication occurs between two gatherings, they have presented the idea of P2P emotional modeling.
DenCity(DXN)-Token Distribution
Token Distribution
DenCity’s token distribution plan is pretty detailed, as they have set 30% of the total token for their Presale and ICO, 20% is slated for the development of the metaverse, with 23% is set aside for the future, in case some need might arise. Other sectors of the token distribution include 20% for the founding team members, 5%for their advisors while 2% is slated for their online campaigns through social media platforms
ICO Sale Phase
Token Price
1 USD-34 Tokens
Crowdfunding Usage
DenCity hopes to use about 40% of the total funds raised in developing the first platform itself, 15% will be kept for continued research and development into the future, 20% is set aside for marketing, 15% for day-to-day operations and 10% will be used for its legal services and licensing expenditure.
Team Overview- Members and Advisers
The DenCity Team is led by CEO and Co-Founder Diego Matic, supported by CTO and Co-Founder Andre Broz. Other members include Morloes Pomp, Alok Gupta, and AnshulSrivastav among others. In the DNX token pre-sale, the raised amount was more than $1.5M from more than 1200 investors within 12 days. The DNX token main sale started on January 26, 2018. In this stage, more than 750 million tokens will be up for sale to both institutional and individual investors.
Maximum Supply
3 billion DNX tokens
0.034 per token
Soft Cap
5 million USD
Hard Cap
30 million USD
The raised amount will be distributed according to the following percentages among the different functions
· Platform Maintenance and Engineering- 40%
· Research and Development- 15%
· Marketing and Business development- 20%
· Operations- 15%
· Legal and License- 10%
DenCity(DXN)-The Conclusion
According to the roadmap provided by DenCity, it has been seen that they have planned out their journey from the allocation and the launch of their DNX tokens and their platform till the time they can successfully carry out a lot of trade and commerce. This is an elaborate project that has been planned out and it has a very high potential of succeeding and connecting the world on a newer level. Each step of this roadmap has been the meticulously looked over beforebeing decided and it is very evident that the future Denizens are going to have an amazing experience on this platform. So, what are you still waiting for? Get up and join the ICO.
Official Links for More Details
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