[Crypto] How to Tokenise your Images or Artwork

in #crypto6 years ago (edited)

If you own a tokenised piece of original, digital art, you can sell it on for a higher price, or just use it, or print it (for personal use only).

Every token comes with a record of its entire trade/transaction history since it was minted, or 'born'.

The digital token can be linked (cleverly) to a real-world item (like fine art) proving its authenticity. Check out projects like Artwallet.io

You can purchase a tiny part of a large, well-known item, allowing sellers to raise money from multiple buyers (so, for example, afford to show a painting in a gallery).

Your token may one day appear in multiple contexts, for example VR environments or platforms. Who knows? You could rent it out to a future gallery in VR/AR.

You can put them up for sale to trade on multiple marketplaces, even beyond the digital world, potentially (if they are effectively linked).

Trading card games, for one, will be completed revolutionised on a global scale.

Where and How to Tokenise Your Artwork or Images

A good destination is to browse the OpenSea.io marketplace of ERC-71 tokens, where various marketplaces ‘feed in’ to its listings.

You can check out my own activity there, as an example of what every account will transparently show.

You will find different categories, which are actually websites/dapps in their own right. Some of these will let you mint tokens quickly and easily. Ideally, you want to include important meta data about a created piece, but it’s not always necessary. For example, Digital Art Chain is one of the categories. If you visit the website too, you can add and tokenise your own artwork very quickly to their listing. It also uses IPFS automatically.

Afterwards, any tokens bought/created will appear automatically on OpenSea.io thanks to MetaMask integration. 

Other features of OpenSea are that it will allow you to trade them on, even with options for affiliate/referral, plus options to auction something to a highest bidder, for a designated time period.

However, if you’re a serious artist, the best way to tokenise your own artwork is to first get accepted with your work onto an art dapp / website. These dapps are geared towards artists, or certain kinds of art. You’ll find the process better (with meta data options) and you’ll be able to list and categorise it correctly in the company of other artists, and also create your own store. Later, you can take whatever art pieces you've bought and sell them back on OpenSea.io

Some Token-based Art Sites Emerging

R.A.R.E art (and sounds): this links to a post about this site (and po.et project)
SuperRare (links to my collection)
MakersPlace (links to my store)
Digital Art Chain (also allows you to make goods/swag from your tokens)

For my full article about tokenisation, see my post at Ade's Crypto Press.....
Crypto 4 Creatives: 'Tokenisation' and 'Crypto-Collectibles': Why, Where and How?


See this video about buying art at MakersPlace...

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