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RE: Attention-Based Stigmergic Distributed Collaborative Organizations

in #crypto-news8 years ago

Thanks for this interesting post...
Although I love Steemit and its logic as a great improvement, in the long run I am more interested in an abundance based economy which seem to need a complete reboot of our mindset... What about an empathy / common good based reward system? Attention can and will always be driven by lots of aspects that have zero value to the common good of society. Because attention is a big illusion victim tricked by the senses and our mind. For decades advertisers have been using all the trics to draw attetion to meaningless stuff... If you carefully look the same is already visible here in Steemit. I am convinced this what we witness here is just the beginning of decentralized reward based networking... exciting times...


Thanks for sharing, Dana. To a certain extend I´d say yes. But my thoughts and conceptual drafts have a lot more details. I agree in a lot of points and also think that it needs something what you call a robust reputation management. I´d like to explore this in more depth at some point... I work with many great people in the NewEarth Project and we are developing something like that...

To give you a better idea of where I am coming form, I was starting at the very core of our existing value creation system, central banks and questioned how this scarce central controled system could be replaced with something that effectively changes the current mindset of "survival of the fittest" into a system mimicing natures abundance. I believe we will end up in a gifting economy one day. But how to transition to this utopia when humanity is still conditioned like it is today? When we look at the cryptoworld we see very similar patterns of the same conditioned greed oriented mindset like in our dominated centralized and top down controlled system. The swarm does not yet deserve the word intelligence in an altruistic sense. I very much believe we need to crack the mind and the idea of separation and the illusion of isolation to become more in tune with the collective morphic field, senseing others, the planet and the entire universe...

Back to my root question: What has real value, and with real I mean REAL. Not invented or agreed upon because its been learned and used (e.g. precious metals like Gold, etc). In my view the only real value for human beings is alive and visible in appreciated interaction, which has countless forms. When we akt, speak or think in our interactions with others, it not necessarily ends up to be valuable for the other(s). So what creates value is a proof of value by the other(s). A reputation system obviously requires a voting system. But more advanced than what we see in social media or gamification models (I don't really like this word). And it needs to be open enough to learn. Such a gamification and voting system, with multiple "badges" each related to a specific index and algorithm (attention, appreciation, innovation, social, cultural, envitonmental, etc...) would be a good start... As value can be clustered in so many groups and priorities, and as it is a changing element of human life it is immanently important to keep it as open as possible to enable changes to the choise of what type of values should make it into the reputation system.

Another aspect we are adding into the system is renewble (free) energy as mining source, but there are some secrets that will take us a while before we are able to announce this exciting element in more depth...

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