Arise Bank Founder Jared Rice Sr. Makes Statement Following SEC and FBI Raid.

in #crypto-news7 years ago (edited)

Bellow is a statement to the Crypto community from Arise CEO Jared Rice Sr.


Many people’s dreams fail over time, it’s simply a circumstance that surrounds us when we’re trying to do something that can and will change the world. You’ll never know if it was possible unless you truly pursue it. With Arise, thanks to thousands of people from around the globe, not only do we know it’s possible, we know that the vision of a decentralized bank is something people not only want - they need it. With billions of people around the world without access to a bank account, we had a dream that AriseBank would be a bank for all people - “The People’s Bank.” Where people would be their own bank without the unnecessary and often fraudulent oversight of the central banking system. Where people control their own destiny. AriseBank was and STILL IS a project that I gave my entire life to. I’m not hiding. I’m proud of what we’ve built and regardless of what happens, I can sleep at night knowing that I did my best, I gave it my all and I did it with all the right intentions.

When I started Arise, I knew there would be a fight and today, I have a hope that we are getting closer and closer to our goal of bringing a decentralized banking platform to the people. Today, marks the beginning of change, the beginning of fairness, the beginning of transparency, and the beginning of fair regulation. I knew that the State of Texas and the SEC would try to disrupt the mission of AriseBank and in truth, would want to seize our vision. I prepared myself mentally and I was able and ready to move forward, no matter what happened in the end. Over the past few days, our community has taken a stand for freedom. They have taken a stand for all of my hard work and determination. For our team’s efforts and their dedication to something that means so much, to so many people. Their unwavering support has motivated me and has added fuel to a fire that was already burning at the very core of my being. I made the promise to our supporters that I would fight for true equality and their right to be their own bank - and I will always keep that promise.

I can say that I gave every single second of every single day of the past year to this project. Many of those days without showers, without food, while also fighting through an emotional custody fight and several criminal accusations. And through the pain of it all, I chose to fight back and through that, Arise was born. The powers that be have arrived and are trying to disrupt my mission and in truth, want to seize my vision. After the many heartfelt messages I’ve received, I realize that isn’t going to happen.

On the other hand, I refuse to be a victim. I refuse to lay down and I choose to fight. I’ve already given my life to this cause, I’m taking the bullets and again, I’m proud to be on that horse. God put this fight on my shoulders, he gave me this vision and gave me no other choice but to win in the end. No matter how bad it gets, I know we’re going to make it. For us as people, the day has come for us to speak on the disruption of blockchain, why the government wants to attack it and why WE THE PEOPLE deserve a fair shake at regulating it, for us - not them. When you work towards something that is greater than yourself, you find meaning and you find purpose. When you keep people at the center of what you do, it can have an enormous impact on the world and that’s what I’m seeing today. Whether the powers that be like it or not, we are bound together in a single garment of destiny. When you are convinced your cause is right, you have to have the courage to take a stand. You’ll need the mind and the heart to build something bigger than yourselves. That’s what we did. That’s what you should do. We have to build upon this - we have to fight.

Dylan Lakota:
While I have considered calling out the statements made in the SEC’s filing on whether our ongoing bank acquisition was real or if AriseCoin was a security, a utility or otherwise, those facts will come out over the weeks ahead. I have cooperated fully and will continue to do so. My intent is 100% focused on bringing the first decentralized bank to life, not just in the United States - but to people around the world who truly need it most. Many in our community have already found false statements and misinformation in the SEC’s T.R.O. I will let our community, the “AriseArmy”, continue to pick apart these allegations and let those facts speak for themselves as well.

In the end, the power is in us as people, to approach this fairly, be polite to the authorities and regulators and appreciate the time they’re putting into regulating cryptocurrencies. They’re doing their job. But we must also do ours. Our job as people is to help bring about fair regulation, unity and build upon the ideals of innovation and change that make The United States of America one of the greatest countries on earth. That is my fight and it will be my fight until the end. I look forward to continuing this discussion and hope that all sides will approach this fairly. I am in support of any type of fair regulation that makes sense for the cryptocurrency revolution and us as people. I will be speaking on these issues moving forward and will make sure the Arise vision lives on. In the end, NEVER forget - WE can bank on us.

  • Jared Rice Sr.

Resteemed. Will be interested to see what the court case brings about on the 8th.

Cheers! Yeah I will be waiting in anticipation, I had a bit invested in this one! Hopefully somethimg good comes out of it...

Great post and what a crazy world!

Amen brother!

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