RE: [Discussion] Why is Dash sprinting away from privacy and fungibility? A Look at the + Dash Core Team deal and its KYC/AML outcomes.
Truth is I invested in Dash because of its marketing efforts which I saw lacking for other similar tech. You won't turn me off by saying it must be a scam because they advertise too much. I also don't see a point in you saying it is centralized because certain people have high stakes, the same thing can be observed here in Steemit and for all other Crypto. They are all centralized, mass adoption would bring more decentralization. I think Dash is fighting the best battle to mass adoption, when I feel that this is not the case and/or the tech actually falls short I may sell. The price of it could be 1 dollar tomorrow and I'd still hold, simply because I think their efforts to dumb down crypto to the general public are very much needed. Even if Dash doesn't take off anymore I still have the videos which they have produced and they are valuable, they are the reason I invested in the first place other than I saw the tech doing well in exchanges and it's one of the oldest alts.