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RE: NuBits! NOT a price stable currencies and B&C Exchange's NBT based Development fund

in #crypto-news8 years ago

Hi Ken, Definitely Market Pegged Assets in Bitshares is a great contender to pick up this market; and i think we should actually look to do some marketing directed at Nubits share holders as they understand the desire to have pegged currencies and cut out the volatility. while reading through their forums the topic of BitUSD did come up a lot although generally they did not understand the mechanism's in place to allow it to work. it even got criticised for being to complex, more complex than it needed to be ; although given they don't understand the inner working i believe that is a throw away comment. also i would say their system relayed way to much on people; and people doing the right thing at the right time; from what i can see there was a lot of transparency issues and no accountability for some key stake holders who controlled a large portion of the funds out of circulation; the keys for which have still not been disclosed and cannot be publicly verified. my bet is those address are empty... but only time will tell

Still marketing SBD/SD and MPA (bitUSD and family) to these minds maybe a good marketing move

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