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RE: Research coins exploding! CMN video explains why: GridCoin, PrimeCoin, FoldingCoin, CureCoin

in #crypto-news8 years ago

I've been watching Poloniex religiously over the last two weeks and watched them do their typical hype pump and dump routine on Curecoin/Gridcoin/Foldingcoin/and one other that slips my mind at the moment. You could look at the graphs of the coins in question and see a flatline building up slightly at the same time, to a slightly larger bump then to a huge to the moon pump over a very short time all coinciding with the hype team in the Trollbox extolling their virtues in sequence. Hype and pump > dump a bit to get more suckers to buy in high, buy on a dip, then pump again catching some FOMO, then the last dump and gradual decline as the group finishes selling off. Then move to the next coin and do it all over again. That group made out like bandits.

I think Folding was the first coin that was pumped, then Curecoin, then Gridcoin. Those 3 coins all went up by some 400% or something absurd then gradually declined and the hypesters disappeared eventually and poof... The bagholders were left baghodling.

I'm not saying that the coins in question aren't worthwhile. Just that in this particular case at the time I mentioned, there was as an obvious a pump and dump as I've ever seen. Clearly orchestrated by a team that knew what they were doing.

If you want proof, I think there is a log of Trollbox comments and there is obviously the charts of those coins in question that you can inspect.

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