Spells of Genesis announces soft launch date! | Renegade Gaming

We've got your weasels, your harpies, and a shiny new soft launch date!

UPDATE FOR AUGUST 25th, 2016 // HOSTED BY SO NEFARIOUS // Hit us up on Twitter:https://twitter.com/renegadecrypto   

Hello and welcome to Renegade Gaming. I'm your host So Nefarious.

Spells of Genesis has released the winners of their 5 minute tutorial contest on twitter and the bitcointalk forum. The entries were reviewed by a mix of EverDreamSoft folks and people who had no experience with the game or the blockchain. Check out @SpellsofGenesis to see the winning videos.

WEASELSCARD has moved over to the Public Merchant. It's available for 120 BITCRYSTALS.

The new HARPIESCARD has arrived at the Partner Merchant for 100 BCY each. The card was released initially with a limited supply of 800 units. If you are unable to access the Partner Merchant, keep a look out for it appearing at different community-run swapbots.

And finally, if you've been waiting for updates about Spells of Genesis' soft-launch - the wait is over. It was announced today that after the recent updates to the game have been fully integrated, along with some new features being added which will go through an intensive round of internal testing, the game will be soft launched in mid September. A slew of new features is being planned for the release including daily quests, achievements, creating and joining guilds, and more. The web version will be soft-launched first followed shortly by the mobile version. If all goes well, developers are hoping to for a full release about a month later which puts us somewhere around mid-October to early November. Fingers crossed folks!

That's all for today, folks. For more crypto-gaming news, upvote and follow @renegadegaming on SteemIt or subscribe on YouTube.

And shout-out to Spells of Genesis for sponsoring today's episode. You can sign-up to play the game at SpellsofGenesis.com and visiting the web player (http://www.spellsofgenesis.com/play/) or download the latest android version (http://spellsofgenesis.com/play/last.php).

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