Counterparty and Spells of Genesis come to Takara geocaching app! | Renegade Gaming

in #crypto-news8 years ago (edited)

Wanna find Spells of Genesis cards while you walk? MandelDuck has got you covered.  

UPDATE FOR JULY 27TH, 2016 // HOSTED BY SO NEFARIOUS // Hit us up on Twitter:

Hello and welcome to Renegade Gaming. I'm your host So Nefarious.

MandelDuck the creators of SaruTobi (the mobile game where you can earn bitcoin for playing) has updated their geocaching app takara to be able to pick up  and drop Counterparty tokens.

This update has been well anticipated as this allows players to hide tokens of dozens of projects that have been built on the Counterparty protocol for others to find, including Spells of Genesis cards. The update is live on IOS and the App Store, while developers are projecting a September release for the Android version.

With this update, IndieSquare wallet, whose API takara uses, has released a pre-launch look at their API and SDK documentation for developers. This documentation will help support more games and apps to be built using tokens and Counterparty and continues the Counterparty community's spirit of co-operation in development.

For more updates for MandelDuck, SaruTobi, and takara upvote and follow @RenegadeGaming on SteemIt. 


This is awesome news, but I wish they had android too.

Oh god me too. They said September-ish so as soon as it's out we'll let you know!

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Nice post. I was about to post a similair post. It always surprises me how people still sell when a crypto goes down. I mean just invest in solid coins and skip the shady ones. Crypto is here to stay. We really need more insights in the market and previous investment results (even though they don't deliver any guarantee for the future). Does anyone know about: Every single coin can be analysed here based on: the team, the product, advisors, community, the business and the business model and much more. Check for example: For a complete Counterparty Investment research.

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