Currency Wars- Turning Every Single Bitcoiners to Heroes

in #crypto-news8 years ago (edited)

Do you, bitcoiners out there, knows that you're on a bigger mission? That is to provide refuge for currency wars' hostages. So here's the story: "Global Currency Wars Are Creating Bitcoin's ‘Killer App’"

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Need No Prophets to Tell You that It's the End of Fiat Money

In the last 2 years or so, the World has seen it all- bail-outs, bail-ins, hyper-inflations, drastic deflations, legal tender nullifications... You name it, they've got it.

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We do not need prophets' prophesy as to where the markets are heading, and maybe we won't need economists in time to come either... Because all the ongoing financial fights are all... Man-made.

The Hostages

The victims of the failings of financial systems are the people. These people are held as hostages against their wills as the 'masters' of the currency wars continue the fight.

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People suffers and people dies, and in all honesty, these currency wars are somehow deadlier than physical wars- At least in physical wars, innocent people are protected under the Laws of War and their livelihood has some assurance.

The Mission

Let's forget all the human manipulations for once, and focus on how bitcoiners can be the Heros even if the financial systems are facing 'ground-zero' situations.

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Bitcoiners, knowingly or unknowingly, provides an exit strategy for the hostages- through their BTC trades. It provides for the liquidity much needed for the hostages to have an opt-out choice in the geopolitical game. With the BTC market liquidity, the hostages have found a real safe haven where real money with real value can be stored.

Most Important Win-Win Scenario

The lucrative premium margin helps bitcoiners to profit when help create an exit door for the hostages. I wouldn't say that bitcoiners are profiting from such demises as the situation would be far more devastating without BTC's intervention.

Click here to find out more on who benefits the most in the conventional financial systems without BTC. And also, see what bitcoin has done, or didn't do, to gain so much attention and help millions of people.


I am a freelance writer for bitcoin's webbie. I can feature you and/or your adventurous story in a write-up to share with the world... Just drop me a personal message on Reddit.

Knowing that no one pleases everyone and there is a flip side to every coin, including Bitcoin. Whether you agree, agree to disagree, or the opposite, do not just take my words for it, be sure to look it up.

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I and my wife use bitcoin.

I'm trying to solely live on bitcoin day in and day out... =)

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