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RE: Your Crypto News on Steemit January 26, 2018

in #crypto-news6 years ago (edited)

Hi Jeff sorry for late respond but I was very busy with some work yesterday.

Liverpool that's cool my bro in law is a big fan of there soccer club :)

In the 80's how old are you if I can ask?

My brother is living in SD and he has a company for structured water devices and water filter all the good stuff from Germany and Austria and I will help him with that.
I am also working for the last 2 month on a game app where he and a good friend from Berlin are helping me I like to bring it by the end of the year on the EOS or Bitshares blockchain.
Okay you take care too and talk to ya soon :)


Hey, please do not apologise about a late response I completely understand the strain of conflicting demands. To be quite honest it is refreshing to find people who do respond at all and are open to communication. Yes Liverpool is a very cool place and I hope that your brother-in law is still a supporter. I remember the 80's or to be more accurate some of the 80's as much of the late 70's through to the mid 90's are a bit of a blur as they were the days of my youth (and I think that most of us have these periods that are perhaps a bit more obscured than others). I am 55, so feel like I an entering my spring!!! With regards to the game that you are working on, what kind of role are you undertaking....programer? I do not know too much about game development (and I am not a gamer) but I do have some understanding of the narrative / story flow element of games as my background is in drama, initially theatre then feature film and television production. I think that EOS could well be an excellent choice for a game as the potential transaction rate will be so high and I imagine that a game could have a very high transaction rate. Would you be looking at expanding the game onto other platforms? Anyway I have probably bombarded you with too many questions so I will rock on. You take care of yourself and those you love, speak soon. Cheers J

Yes my bro in law is a die hard fan of Liverpool.
I had the idea for the game and I do all the graphics programming will do my brother and my friend. Yes after all that problems on ETH blockchain with the cryptokittens I think we will be better off with EOS.
I found out a few days back that dsound is a great platform for posting your music or podcast and if it is good they upvote very well check it out my friend. I have done my first audio crypto news via dsound today and tomorrow I will start posting some good guitar music I have recorded a few years back in my uncles basement studio.
Okay you take care too and talk to ya soon :)

Cool, let me know when you have posted and I will check it out. What kind of guitar are you into? I have been watching quite a bit of the Neo DevCon, you may want to check it out I said I am not a particularly technical person but a lot of what they are saying seems to make sense to me. With their throughput as it stands today and with the onchain developments they are talking, not to mention Trinity it could prove to be an alternative (or a second platform option) any take care I look forward to hearing your playing. Cheers J

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