Technology that will change the world? To invest or not to invest?

in #crypto-news7 years ago (edited)

It's obvious that the 21st century is the age of technology. Every day occurs something something new, our great grandparents would never believe it is possible: biotechnology, composite materials, 3-D printers, blockchain, etc. Take the "common" IPhone and YouTube, they would not believe it as well. More and more segments of the surrounding world are being transformed by the power of innovation, while creating added value worth many billions. Now, investing in innovations is the main source of high revenue. Those who one day invested in Apple and then in Bitcoin, received profit hundreds and thousands of times higher than their investment. This is the driving force that promotes all innovative projects. That is exactly the reason why projects should be evaluated in terms of its future profitability.

However, the project "Synthestech" stands out in the background of the world’s innovation boom for its fundamental perspective. It is about the artificial synthesis of valuable chemical elements through cold synthesis (transmutation). It might sound new, but it is not. In fact, the Cold Nuclear Synthesis - LENR (low-energy nuclear reactions) is already a completely recognized phenomenon. A number of practitioners, including the most famous one - Andrea Rossi, are successfully developing power generation plants using this process.

However, the research project "Synthestech" in LENR, founded and managed by Vladislav Karabanov, is focused not on energy generation, but on obtainment of valuable chemical elements. And as a result of many successful experiments, among other things, valuable chemical elements have been obtained, some of which belong to platinum group metals. No one can doubt now the possibility of obtaining such results, taking into account already known research data and achievements of other researchers.

As an example, can be used results of artificial production of platinum from tungsten by Yasuhiro Iwamura, Mitsubishi Corporation, as well as numerous replications of his experiments.

Another example is Dominiko Kirillo, who has also obtained platinum as a result of his experiments on the interaction of hydrogen plasma with tungsten. In addition, this technology was known in the ancient era. However, it was about synthesizing gold. This technology was used so successfully that it evoked the wrath of Emperor Diocletian who issued a decree on the destruction of all Egyptian manuscripts on this subject, so as not to undermine the financial system of the Roman Empire. Therefore, an interesting question is, how much will the technology that is being developed by “Synthestech” cost? How much will this project cost? After all, it was the perspective of making money that motivated for the project development. Perhaps, for the public it is the most interesting. It is one thing, enjoying the participation in progress, and quite another thing is making big money on this and enjoying progress in the most direct way.

Let's try to make some calculations. Take only these very platinum metals, which are planned to be synthesized. In the world today, about 200 tons of platinum, the same amount of palladium and about 50 tons of other platinum metals are mined and used in industry, medicine and jewelry. In general, it is approximately 450 tons. Prices of these metals range from $ 900 to $ 1500 per troy ounce . If we transfer all this into an approximate value, then the world market of platinum metals is worth about $ 14 billion. Moreover, there is a serious deficit of platinum metals in all fields.

In the Synthestech’s White Paper is stated that the prime cost of the artificially synthesized platinum metals should be significantly lower than the cost of the traditional method of extraction from natural deposits.

If we assume that this cost will be lower only by half, then it will enable us to win almost half of the market (there is no point in getting more, otherwise antitrust measures will be taken). In this case, out of $ 7 billion, net profit should be about $ 3.5 billion annually. If we use the world’s practice, where the net profit is multiplied by 10, then such a project will be worth $ 35 billion.

Note that we are talking about using only a part of the implementation perspectives of cold synthesis of chemical elements. If we add up here the possibility to obtain other elements, especially if we manage to regulate the isotope composition, then the cost of the technology and the project itself will be even higher. Much higher. After all, today good projects are sold for hundreds of billions of dollars. And the synthesis of chemical elements is not about a programming code that can become obsolete, but about the production of real material values ​​that humanity consumes and will keep on consuming. This technology will change the world completely.

Now let's compare with what is required now. Basically, it is expenses for a fully equipped laboratory, which is required for Synthestech to develop the technology. This is not much - just 18 million tokens for $ 1 may turn into 18 billion dollars, if you apply the above calculations. To receive $ 1,000 for every dollar as a result of project implementation. For $ 1,000 - $ 1 million. Not bad. Even if 1 dollar of investments yields 100 dollars - this is too, in fact, quite good.

You have to understand that there is a risk, but there is some risk as well, even when you bring your money to the bank, for example Lehman Brothers, which has worked for 158 years until 2008. And what are the risks here? The funds raised during ICO by Synthestech will be allocated to the laboratory construction, and this is quite a material object that always has a value. In general, summing up what has been said, the commercial perspectives of the project by far outweigh the risks.

Disclaimer: I am not in any way involved with the company or the crowdsale. This is a crypto news blog

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