Multibot News

in #crypto-news7 years ago (edited)

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Multibot: an effective solution for automation of exchange trades

Crypto-trading becomes more and more popular. And it is natural, because the world has recently got to know about the cryptocurrency. And their rate jumps can be a good help to improve your financial well-being.
But the cryptocurrency trading as well as other exchange trading instruments is a complex work that requires a self-control and covering a huge range of all sorts of factors. That’s why exchange trades are more and more often intrusted to robot-advisers. With their help, you can automate trading processes, making a profit easier.
Today automation is actively implemented by various financial organizations and exchanges. That’s why it is not surprising the three largest financial companies in Japan (MFG, SMFG and MUFG) have also taken this path. In total, due to modernization, robots and automated systems will occupy 30,000 jobs previously owned by living financiers and traders. And the active implementation of robots not only in the finance, but also in other branches can not be stopped.
Today a lot of blockchain-projects offer their own solutions for the exchange trading. One of them is Multibot. However, to fully assess the relevance of this solution, it is necessary to understand the complexity of crypto-trading.
Why is automatization more preferable for companies
The work of financial companies and exchanges involves the analysis of a large number of data, which are the basis for the strategies and certain conclusions. But in order for them to be correct, it is essential to analyze a huge number of parameters, many of which can be extremely unstable.
For example, who could predict confidently the rapid growth of Bitcoin back in March this year? After all, it demonstrated an amazing uprise this year. Less than in a year Bitcoin rose from $950 (for January 1, 2017) to $7,550 (for November 5, 2017). The cost of the standard cryptocurrency increased almost by 8 times and this is probably not the limit.
Of course, Bitcoin was not constantly growing. There were also significant kickbacks provoked by speculators on the background of negative news (for example, China’s ban on holding ICO, etc.). And any news can completely change the situation on the stock exchange.
For this reason automation is much needed in this branch, which today can be achieved with the use of robot-advisors or, in simple terms, automated advisers based on special algorithms, or more rarely — AI.
Its implementation allows exchanges and companies working in the fintech brannch to achieve such results as:
optimization of work;
reducing the cost related to staff maintenance, as some of the work can be performed by robots;
simplification of trading for non-professionals;
elimination of the human factor.
According to experts, in the next 5 years robots will be able to take the work from about 30% of bank employees and people from other financial institutions. And the fintech automation can not be stopped. The only question is who will replace people and how the trading itself is able to transform.
Automated assistant = successful trading
Today trading exchanges are actively implementing robot-advisers into their work. Most often they are a computer system, created to perform automated investment advice. And such solutions with varying degrees of efficiency could be more and more often seen on the crypto exchanges.
Let’s not confuse robo-advisors with another class of computer solutions — stock trading robots. They are already used by professional traders. Unlike them, the robot-advisers are created for personal use, including non-professionals.
Such a solution is made as a program that has access to the exchange through a mobile or computer. They can also have a hybrid form of solution and work as a types of a program along with the participation of a consultant.
Due to the use of such solutions an inexperienced user can minimize the risks associated with his low qualifications. Also, the use of a robot-advisor allows to eliminate the emotional factor to some extent.
After all, trading is like poker, requires self-control and cold calculation. And how can you keep cool, if there is a million cost deal and you can lose it by making a rash step? That is why, for a novice trader, the robo-adviser is almost the only chance for successful trading.
One of the best solutions for a trader is the use of an automated adviser from the Multibot platform. Why should you choose it? Let’s figure out together.
Multibot help traders
The Multibot platform is a fully autonomous system able to perform cyclic transactions, sales and other transactions conducted on exchanges.
The system is operated by a user-defined algorithm. As a result, Multibot makes only those transactions that meet certain requirements prescribed in the smart-contract.
The platform algorithms have two working principles:
buy cheaper and sell more expensive;
sell more expensive and buy less.
In order to optimize the trading process and get the most profit from the current situation, the system uses machine learning. As a result, it manages to calculate the most profitable sales point. As practice shows, the most profitable trading strategy is the combination of two trading methods available on the platform.
Multibot is a platform that not only simplifies trading for beginners, automating all the most complex processes, but also performs continuous monitoring of the market, estimating the maximum number of the trading platforms. As a result, trading cryptocurrency, which high volatility keeps traders in suspense constantly, becomes less risky and more profitable.
Of all the automated trading solutions launched today, Multibot could be called one of the best. After all, it uses both machine learning and blockchain, basing on the smart-contracts. Trading with such technologies becomes as simple and profitable as possible. And what else does a trader need?


Quite informative, thanks a lot.

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