Edward Snowden Talks Crypto Live in Germany

Last week, I had the pleasure to attend the Blockstack Berlin event that showcased many great speakers like whistle blower Edward Snowden, Nick Szabo (developed the concept of “Smart Contracts”), and Berlin’s very own Jutta Steiner, Founder of Parity Technologies. The Snowden interview brought the crowd. I overheard a conversation on how a couple came all the way to snowy Germany from India, just to hear Edward Snowden speak! As the interview kicked off, it was obvious why we were all here, to talk about privacy
Snowden did not seem too entertained by interviewer Peter Van Valkenburgh’s jokes about Crypto Kitties. It was all business — let us better protect our personal data. He had powerful and motivating statements about privacy and how cryptocurrency can help solve problems.
“The problem with the internet today is that all our transactions are tied directly to our personal information.”

“Everything that occurs can be traced back to you, we need to change internet transactions so that it's more like buying something with cash”

When asked about cryptocurrency, Edward mentioned that he had used Monero and was very

excited about projects like Zcash. As the interview finished, we were left with a roaring response from the crowd. A heavy hitting closing statement by Snowden:

“I don't ask u to trust me. I want skepticism. I invite everyone to question and doubt me... But most of all, you should question those with the most power more than those with the least."


Thanks for this worth a follow. I enjoyed it, Keep up the good work.

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